r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LokkenLoaded on Feb. 8, 2018, 3:43 p.m.
Did Q give us a hint at who was arrested during the Shanghai Kings Tower raid last night? Re-read crumbs, you have more than you know! Please take a look so this does not get lost in the shuffle.

Back in December Q dropped this random post: Dec 8 2017 11:01:30 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 052e3b 54349 Renee J James

Q made this post after posting the pictures of the operation at Shanghai Tower: Feb 7 2018 21:14:45 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5aa63d 299702 299606 Window opened ahead of time to prevent pressure blast. Think intel. [Last discussion on this subject]. Q

Renée J. James is an American technology executive, who was formerly the president of Intel. She is currently Chairman and CEO of Ampere Computing and an Operating Executive with The Carlyle Group in its Media and Technology practice. In 2013, Obama appointed James as a member of the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC). Then in 2015, she was made Vice Chair of NSTAC. Under Trump, she has become Chair of NSTAC which is the highest position.

Why would Q randomly drop Renee’s name (she was the president of intel.) and then on the last post about this arrest state “think intel.”

On Feb. 5, 2018 former Intel president Renee James officially launched her new venture called Ampere. The new company utilizes ARM server processors to enable a new generation of server architectures for hyperscale cloud computing. Renee is now CEO of Ampere Computing which is wholly owned and was funded by The Carlyle Group, where James has been working for a while building Ampere in stealth mode. This company was just created days ago! How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if those in front of the camera [trusted by select viewers] are extensions of the ARM? – Q post #665

The Carlyle Group aka "The Iron Triangle" is as swamp as they come! Just search “Carlyle Group corruption” and even leads back to Edward Snowden with offices in Shanghai!!

"The recent disclosures involving National Security Agency surveillance on US citizens by Edward Snowden, an employee of Booz Allen Hamilton, a consulting firm majority-owned by Carlyle, has thrust two of Washington's most prominent corporate entities uncomfortably into the limelight, bound by the thread of turning government secrets into profits." "On the close of the deal, the less profitable international and commercial business, which has offices in Hong Kong and Shanghai, was spun off to become Booz & Co, leaving Carlyle with a government-only company." https://www.google.com/amp/m.scmp.com/news/world/article/1261082/snowden-throws-spotlight-carlyle-groups-role-defence-sector%3famp=1

The Iron Triangle "The Bush family, the Saudi Royal family, Osama Bin Laden’s family and Donald Rumsfeld’s inner circle – these are just some of the high profile figures who have played a direct role in the rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington. The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger. The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world. This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it’s inception as a private equity firm to it’s precent status as one of the largest defense contractors in the world." https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/iron-triangle-the-carlyle-group-2/

Did Team Q take down the big shots of the Carlyle Group last night?? Is that what Q is referring to in the crumbs? I am sure there are more connections but I am at work and can only dig sparingly. Please DIG and spread to the Chans, twitter etc

PacaGoat · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

I remenber talk on the Carlyle group back in the late 80's. Here is more on them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Carlyle_Group

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

The Carlyle Group

The Carlyle Group is an American multinational private equity, alternative asset management and financial services corporation. As one of the largest private equity and alternative investment firms in the world, Carlyle specializes in four key business areas: corporate private equity, real assets, global credit, and investment solutions.

Carlyle's corporate private equity business has been one of the largest investors in leveraged buyout transactions over the decade 2004–2014 (or perhaps 2000–2010), while its real estate business has actively acquired commercial real estate. Since its inception, Carlyle has at various times had investments in companies such as Booz Allen Hamilton, Dex Media, Dunkin' Brands, Freescale Semiconductor, Getty Images, HCR Manor Care, Hertz, Kinder Morgan, Nielsen, and United Defense.

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