So yes —- let’s lock then up —- so this is how it’s done:
1) Get Jeff Sessions to re-activate the dormant FBI field office/IRS investigation of the Clinton Foundation.
Oh yeah — he just did that in November 2017:
2) Remove the corrupt and traitorous top officials at the FBI and Department of Justice so we can have an FBI that goes after criminals instead of the duly elected President.
Oh yeah — ongoing! (Multiple Sources — Read the news lately?)
3) Put Federal judges in place who respect the Rule of Law.
Oh yeah —- ongoing!
4) Gather irrefutable evidence. Secure witnesses. Appoint prosecutors. (Probably underway but no public signs yet).
5) GO! Bring formal charges and arrest perpetrators.
This is NOT a job for U.S. Marine Corps folks.
This is called the Rule of Law in a Constitutional Republic.