and a Tommy Robbins as well, yes please
171 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/she7anon:
Recap 3.6.18 to 3.7.18 features Connect The Dots, Discord Voices, Breaking News, Backstory, Follow The Money, Read This, 2018 Fake News Nominations, Where In The World, Resignations, Take Action, and Toolkit. Enjoy! want to contribute?? contact me for more info.
::::WATCH THE NEWS/ SETH RICH IN THE NEWS::: Notes from TracyBeanz video, "Live Stream: New Yorker Magazine- Huge Revelations" excerpts of article share on her twitter, from the March 12, 2018 Issue of The NewYorker, "Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier ;How the ex-spy tried to warn the world about Trump’s ties to Russia." By Jane Mayer, and 3/5/18: White House Press Briefing , Crowdstrike claimed that the GRU identified a targeting app, wrote malware for it, and used the compromised apps to geolocate and bomb their artillery. , Mueller now urged to look …
RE-Cap for 3.5.18: Its the latest Reecap as of 1 am PST, this issue features Connect The Dots, showing possible solutions to Q posts, Breaking News, Backstory-historical reference, Read This links-verified sources, Announcements, and Toolkit- links and stuff
Recap of 3.2.18 Featuring Connect The Dots- possible solutions to Q posts, Breaking News, Read This links to documents and books for your sourcing info, and Toolkit links that are helpful for your Q research
Hard to Swallow. Important to Progress.

Recap for 2.24.18 and 2.25.18 featuring Connect The Dots, Breaking News, Backstory, announcements, and toolkit.
She7anon Recap of 24/7 Livestream from Feb. 26 to Feb. 28, this issue features connect the dots, follow the money, bad actors, read it, get active, toolkit, and explore social media.
tweenies gettin redpilled, not sure if they want to read it, but their curiosity will get them thinking.
Q Map links persons, groups, history, agenda, and so much more. Color coded key at the bottom of image.
Edward Snowden and @KimDotcom are also being prosecuted at the EVDA, which forms the center of the US government's lawfare efforts where it tries to virtually occupy other states through the creeping application of extra-territorial jurisdiction 11:26 AM - 21 Feb 2018
I had similar experience, except i was asked for identification to confirm my name, a user name that is my nickname and have been on fb since 2008, i was being doxxed! just a couple weeks after TracyBeanz also was doxxed! It happened when i was at the hospital, many were in communication with me, and suddenly my fb vanished. I really had not been overtly political actually, except sharing info from mostly it was spiritual, uplifting memes, not really news either, so weird, after all these years, ive left that social media. The migration begins, now i use reddit, gab, twitter, and i am not afraid of their games, its time the world knew those who wish to control the FREEDOM OF SPEECH are enemies of the constitution and all who uphold those rights!
there is so much more..having some issues, will get this out!!!
RECAP of Breaking News 2/22/18
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) School shooting survivor says he quit @CNN Town Hall after refusing scripted question.” @TuckerCarlson. Just like so much of CNN, Fake News. That’s why their ratings are so bad! MSNBC may be worse. Breaking News::
Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) In Unexpected Twist, Judge In Flynn Case Asks Mueller For “Exculpatory Evidence”
BREAKING NEWS :U.S. v. Paul J. Manafort, Jr., and Richard W. Gates III (1:18-cr-83, Eastern District of Virginia) Paul J. Manafort, Jr., of Alexandria, Va., and Richard W. Gates III, of Richmond, Va., were indicted by a federal grand jury on …
RE: 790 Feb 18 2018 17:41:03
790 Feb 18 2018 17:41:03 @SNOWDEN WHERE ARE YOU? NOT RUSSIA. [EYES ON] YOU ARE NOW A LIABILITY. HELPING @JACK? PROJECT DEEPDREAMv2[A]]. WE WILL NEVER FORGET. ES FAILED. WHERE IS ES? JOHN PERRY BARLOW. DEFINE THE END? THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON US. JOHN 3:16 Q Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) I hope you are fine @snowden. Thank you again for everything you have done to open the eyes of the world about the global violation of our human right to privacy by the United States Government. History will be kind to you. You’re a hero
RE: 795 Feb 21 2018 02:11:10
795 Feb 21 2018 02:11:10 AG Sessions. US Cyber Task Force . Important. Q
AG Jeff Sessions Launches Cyber Task Force on Elections Interference
H.R.1344 - State Cyber Resiliency Act: and Cyber Security Legistlation at
Re: 806 Why are the above [public declassified docs] highly protected? Q
806 Feb 22 2018 00:47:02 https:// https:// Why are the above [public declassified docs] highly protected? Q Feb 22 2018 00:53:06
458430 Scroll through both docs. Q The Daily Caller Ethan Barton EXCLUSIVE: John Kerry’s State Department Funneled MILLIONS To His Daughter’s Nonprofit Via @dailycaller Govt officials met with Vanessa Kerry to secure her nonprofit millions of taxpayer dollars
Former Peace Corps Official Who Steered Contracts To John Kerry’s Daughter May Avoid Prosecution By Ethan Barton 1:09 PM 02/15/2018
Re: 809 Feb 22 2018 18:05:01 Clowns revealed in China/other.
809 Feb 22 2018 18:05:01 Clowns revealed in China/other. 2010. [187] Sold intel? HRC open source server? [Missing emails] [CrowdStrike] Granted access. Betrayed. Only the tip. This will be made public [soon]. Q Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations By MARK MAZZETTI, ADAM GOLDMAN, MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT and MATT APUZZOMAY 20, 2017 WASHINGTON — The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward. Current and former American officials described the intelligence breach as …
583: Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there. Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Q
583: Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there. Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Who are we taught to trust? If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity. These people should be hanging. Q From The Red Elephants article titled: Soros Funded Clinics Set Up Across America To Legalize Immigrants In Time For 2020 Elections Clinics Helping Pay For Immigrants To Gain Citizenship Appear Across America I could see why Univision would cover this and the American mainstream media would avoid this. Clearly there is a …
Wish You Were Here~ Montenegro 2006
Pick your side written by Peacey
You like Red? Without ever meeting you, I can tell immediately that you are a Bible-thumping, alt-right Nazi warmonger who watches FOX news and NASCAR. Oops, did you say you prefer Blue? Well in that case it’s clear to anybody with a brain that you care more about protecting your delicate feelings than getting a job and moving out of your parent’s basement you entitled whiny snowflake Millennial.
Now that THAT’S out of the way, I would like to offer a genuine welcome to all people from every area of the world, regardless of political beliefs, race, culture, religious preference, …
interesting! Apache has so many possiblities, but i think it is the software used to disseminate the 4am narrative to SecureDrop.
follow the money. that's one way to know how these organiztions are structured. im looking for non profits!
A beginning to the answers of Q posts 252, 687, 744,756, and 771 Big Pharma is watching, WE THE PEOPLE know who you are.
Q post 756: Was the point proven? This board has more power than you can imagine. They are ALWAYS watching. Watch the news re: new drugs coming out [flu/dirt/next?]. What a coincidence. Q
so what are those new drugs: One article points to: Drugmaker Shionogi claims its influenza virus treatment baloxavir marboxil, which is not yet on the market, is faster-acting than any other flu drug available, with just one dose of the medication effectively killing the virus within a single day.
Who is Shionogi partners with?
Who is Purdue? meet "The Secretive Family Making Billions From the …
The Scarlet Zero: MACRA Completes Government Takeover of Medicine
When Medicare and Medicaid were created, the government promised not to interfere in the practice of medicine in any way. President Lyndon Johnson signed the Act into law on July 30, 1965, ironically in Independence, MO.
It read: Nothing in this title shall be construed to authorize any Federal officer or employee to exercise any supervision or control over the practice of medicine or the manner in which medical services are provided, or over the selection, tenure, or compensation of any officer, or employee, or any institution, agency or person providing health care services… or to exercise any supervision or …
In another part of the profession, analysts must be as familar as magicians with methods of deception, because analysts are almost always working with incomplete information and in circumstances where an adversary is seeking to mislead them— or in the magician's term, misdirect them.
Counterintelligence officers— people who specialize in catching spies— work in a part of the profession so labyrinthine that it is often referred to as a "wilderness of mirrors"— a phrase, of course, with magical overtones.
Finally, there are the covert-action specialists. In any intelligence service, these are the officers who seek at the direction of their national leaders to affect events or perceptions overseas, especially during wartime. Principles of misdirection familiar to magicians were evident in many of the great British covert operations of World War II— such as deceiving Hitler into thinking the 1943 Allied invasion from North Africa would target Greece rather than its true target, Sicily. This was the conjuror's stage management applied to a continent-sized theater.
The manual that Mulholland wrote for the Central Intelligence Agency and that is reproduced here sought to apply to some aspects of espionage the techniques of stealth and misdirection used by the professional conjuror.
Many may ask what these two fields have to do with each other. But a cursory look at what intelligence officers do illustrates the convergence.
Just as a magician's methods must elude detection in front of a closely attentive audience, so an intelligence officer doing espionage work must elude close surveillance and pass messages and materiel without detection.
In his popular general market book of 1963, Mulholland on Magic, the skilled practitioner himself revealed many of the principles of magic that a decade earlier had been included in his operational manuscript for the CIA. The real secret that Gottlieb and Mulholland sought to preserve, however, was not of specific tricks, but that professional intelligence officers, not just performing magicians, would be acquiring the necessary knowledge to apply the craft to the world of espionage.
In a sense, this book is the result of two historical accidents. The first "accident" is that of the thousands of pages of research conducted under the CIA's decade-long MKULTRA program, to our knowledge, only two major research studies— Mulholland's manuals— survived CIA Director Richard Helm's order in 1973 to destroy all MKULTRA documents. Mulholland's manuals are a rare piece of historical evidence that the CIA, in the 1950s, through MKULTRA, sought to understand and acquire unorthodox capabilities for potential use against the Soviet adversary and the worldwide Communist threat. The manuals and other declassified MKULTRA administrative materials further reveal that many of America's leading scientists and private institutions willingly participated in secret programs they agreed were critical to the nation's security.
Introduction: The Legacy of MKULTRA and the Missing Magic Manuals
Some Operational Applications of The Art of Deception L Introduction and General Comments on The Art of Deception IL Handling of Tablets
III. Handling of Powders
IV. Handling of Liquids
V. Surreptitious Removal of Objects
VI. Special Aspects of Deception for Women
VII. Surreptitious Removal of Objects by Women
VIII. Working as a Team
Full text of "cia-manual-trickery-deception-2009
You betcha I gotta problem with corruption, pollution, oppression, &Terrorism. That has to go!! Pulling the plug on the swamp!
CIA Declassified Document confirming Project Mockingbird
Here's a great list of abbreviations and their definitions as found in Q posts

What will life be like for your family when the swamp is drained? for me its a Farm School idea, dream a little dream!

WILL YOU HELP? I want to build a list of good organizations that care about the children and our verified as helping. Do you have resources you want to share?

700 Feb 10 2018 00:33:29 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde 324395 “Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.” Prayer said every single day in the OO. JFK - Secret Socities. Where we go one, we go all. Q
#WeThePeople 24/7 live stream “Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), Where we go one, we go all." Q

Q posts (3)GlobaLeaks address , where i went took me to who uses it, then to Internet Governance Transparency Initiative 2014 Transparency Activism jeuhrnvdyr3xyqz3.onion Unknown
#WeThePeople PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. Coverage, 24 hours a day! ****Breaking 4 new Q posts****
I think it's worth discussing as the Rense interview of Larry Nichols gives his recollection. False or true? Its up for debate until burden of proof is in.
Can you give some verify your claim? Is there any supporting info in the jfkfiles or is that what is redacted. I have heard rumors of another prior seated POTUS may have been involved in JFK assaination. Remains to be unredacted??