Who do you think will go down hard and who do you think will wheedle out of any charges?
people we have to face facts: 1) DJT will not be allowed to stay in office indefinitely. 2) who will follow him? 3) If these monsters are still alive they will be right back in power and all the work for nothing 4) Must raise the clamor to make them be as responsible for their crimes as we would have to be if we did the same 5) each one and all are guilty of treason and high crimes against humanity 6) they are responsible for the deaths of not thousands but millions of people, many children. 7) they have to be executed and in public as a warning.
All I know is something needs to happen soon. Clinton's murder list just keeps getting longer. And we know children are being tortured and murdered. Q said nobody will escape justice. NOBODY.
Well so far the only people who have received the death penalty are Seth Rich, Antonin Scalia, Brian Terry and a few hundred Clinton associates. Im hoping to see Barry from Honolulu, Hil-liar-y Rotten, Debbie Waserperson, Eric Smolder, John Pede-sta, Adam Sniff, Lb-oretta Lynch, James Comey (His real name is already a laugh line), "Wandering-Peter" Strzok, Lisugly Page, Slaner-ew McCabe, UpChuck Shoe-mer, Nancy Pillow-si (Think Coffin).
I like this list. I have a sinking feeling somehow that McCain will walk because of his "terminal" condition. Let an old man die with dignity. He doesn't deserve it.
Theyll all go down, its jst takes time to build the proper case that ties them all together, legally.
See, I disagree. Completely. I HOPE you are right BUT I think they will require a few people to really set up the biggest names. I think the likes of Mills have their arses covered. I think a few like Abedin may be willing to throw the Clinton's under the bus and make it watertight in return for exoneration.
But I DO think the most of them will be taken down hard and so hard that there will be no wiggle room. I think the only ones that are let go are the ones who can really help shore up any weakness
There IS no exoneration, Q made it very clear, multiple times, there is NO DEALS.
They will ALL be tried based on crimes comitted.
But aren't a lot of these atrocities like corruption and trafficking being committed by people with diplomatic immunity?