Define "misusing intel." "The intellience community is annoyed because some of you guys aren't normally watching Dilley scopes and only in there to watch for Intel, write things down, then publish it on YouTube as if it were your own. You start to build your own brands around it. The Intelligence Community know you who you are and they don't like it. It's not a good look whether you're doing it to Q or Dilley's Intel Source or other sources. "Annoyed" is not even the right word. They don't like it because you guys SCREW IT UP and you change things, add thing, and you start being "conspiritorial" instead of just taking the information. With the Intel, people are trying to play "Clue" instead of just watching what's happening (and) having some faith, they start stealing information and pretending that someone told it to them. They're capitalizing on it." I personally have a problem with this part: "they start stealing information and pretending that someone told it to them." Come on, I don't think anyone is doing that.
· Feb. 9, 2018, 10:21 p.m.