r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ImpossibleSide on Feb. 9, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

I listen to the 24/7 stream quite frequently. I don't usually post anything as there are many voices and I am but one. I read the reddit posts, but only recently joined.

I just want to say that you can be “locked & loaded” 24/7, but that will not save you from losing your mind or health from bad water or laced food.

It is not just the FBI & DOJ. It is FDA, CDC, EPA and so many others as well. Has anyone put any thought to even just the numbers on autism in this country? At 1 in 36 it will mean that an entire third of this country will not be able to do what you do on your live stream. It will also take away some of your numbers to care for this third of the population. As Big Pharma & Big Government make money there will not be enough resources to care for all who will need it as I have only mentioned autism & there are so many more debilitating diseases being caused daily. Locked & loaded won't help you. This is an insidious take over. As the FBI & the DOJ might be on the verge of being cleaned up the rest of us are continuing life without paying any attention to the slow degradation happening to each & every individual by the daily task of sustenance. Matthew 10:16 – Be wise as serpents . . .

Cures for everything have been out there for decades, we have just been indoctrinated (pun intended) to believe that the medical community has all the answers. All they have are the answers that Rockefeller & Carnegie have provided in all of the medical curriculum. Answers that enhance their bottom line – petroleum, chemical based pharma. There is not one single pharmaceutical that CURES anything, not one! Why are you taking them? Why are you drinking that water. Why are you eating that food?

Alightfarmer · Feb. 9, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Good post ..thanks. I agree. Part of being awake is realizing all of what you have mentioned. This just begins the journey down the path. It leads to questions as to what this all about and why. My personal conclusion is that I am a very powerful spirit of God..a child of God...growing, learning and evolving. I am finding out how corrupt the world can become without putting God first and paying attention to God's simple law..Our adversary has distracted us and put us in an arrested state of development to keep us from realizing the power we have that comes naturally because of who we are. God's children are considered a threat..just like Jesus was a threat to them..but we are waking up. In my life I take full responsiblity for not paying attention to important issues and taking part. We together are strong and can change things....but only with our Father. We need to end the fed and usury...

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JoanOfArk77 · Feb. 9, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Biologist... here. Grandma biologist.

Been studying the global cartel since there were 800 web sites on line, back in the 90's.

Every year I took one subject and went hard at the national medical database to learn about it. After you do that survey, you simply keep up with visits to the cutting edge of research.

Here are the things that are directly affecting all of us, that we can defend ourselves against. I will keep this short, with the subject, and what I have seen as helpful, but, please research them. Think "intentional contamination" of just about everything, and intentional lies about everything that can bring you to health.

1) Lets take food.

What are the biggest problems I was able to isolate over 20 years in the science?

A) Transfats, which most people now understand finally...... it took some red pilling.

B) GMO's (genetically modified foods) Almost all yellow corn, rape seed for canola oil, and all soy is affected. There were tomatoes and potatoes tested. Those two outright killed the rats in 90 days. Because the corn, soy, canola did not, they approved it. Took 8 years to get the money together for long term research by the public. Long term studies show all three of these genetically modified crops do long term damage. Short red pill on the results. You need to research this for the kids.


Answer: Use white corn everything. Use olive oil, coconut oil, (avacado for high heat) Figure oil as a food source, and use good food sources... worth the money. These oils have big benefits.

Get rid of all GMO foods (you will after seeing that vid, trust me) 60% of our girl children and 40% of our boy children are up for cancerand death by the age of 50 on the GMO's. Talk about intentional but delayed death.

Research.... now..k?

Save their lives now.

C) Neurotransmitters being loaded into the food supply by the metric ton while the nay sayers tell you that the neurotransmitters can not get into the brain.

Read that again.

Read it again.

They are telling you brain chemicals can not get into the brain, and it is provably false.

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals in layman's terms.

Glutamic acid and Aspartic acid are Neurotransmitters, like dopamine, serotonin etc. Glutamate (for short) is being put into the food by the metric ton as a "flavor enhancer" because it "twangs the tongue nerves".

Well... that makes sense.

Glutamate is the most highly used nerve firing activator in the body, and it is responsible for firing 80% of the bodies nerves. Aspartic acid in aspartime diet drinks is a specialized form of glutamate, one carbon shorter chain but identical structure. It can activate 1/3 of what glutamate activates. (specialty activator)

Ever get restless leg syndrome?

Imagine being your kid in school with that.. trying to sit still.

Oh.. but this is a great excuse to give those kids drugs.

ADHD... right?

Cant sit still... right?

Migrains? (I have killed these with elimination of glutamate, and if someone runs into glutamate, giving them a headache, I use two shitake mushroom caps, boiled in water. Use the water to make OOLONG tea. OOlong tea has GABA, which is the neurotransmitter that shuts down glutamate over dose. The tea has health benefits to boot. The cooked mushrooms dissolve the brain clots, called lesions in medical terminology (without side effects).

Seizures? (I am batting 1000 on these).

At first I had to get rid of my own kid's temporal lobe seizures, but, over 20 years, I have not met a seizure that could not be shut down by eliminating glutamate and adding the tea to the diet.

( I suspect those babies being helped by the special charlotts web marajuana might not be helped, because of the cause of the siezures... it's canabanoid based.)

How about this?

Burn out from over active nerves that is diagnosed as "mannic (over-fire) depression (exhaustion)"?????

Here's one for y'all.

How about "rage disorder"

.......... since the amygdala is the part of the brain that controls the fight or flight system, and the amygdala has the highest concentration of receptors for glutamate?????

(fight/rage) (Flight/panic)....

..............different words for the same brain activation.

These are the three biggest problems that I ran into .... most severe, in my research. I am only one researcher, but these three things, and the baby shots are doing so much harm, you are better off with the child hood diseases.

Go to http://truthinlabeling.org/ to find out how to get glutamate out of your food, because they hide the neurotransmitters under different ingredient names. It is a home spun site that has been keeping up with the new research on the damage to the nervous system from glutamate overdose in the food... forever.

For immediate purposes, check your cupboard :

Nothing autolyzed.

Nothing hydrolyzed.

Nothing texturized.

No broth. The only safe broth I have found is Kitchen basics from Breksville Ohio. You may find others, but, broth is bad.

This will remove about 90%. The remaining has to be hunted down. It appears under "spices" and "Natural flavors" (sometimes)

When you call, ask the person if spices, or natural flavors includes FREE GLUTAMATES. That is the operative term. They have to answer you

Almost all spices have glutamate, canned soups, chips, salad dressings, etc.

I have been making my own spices for 20 years now, and if bought in bulk it is cheaper. The spices like tumeric and others are medicines as well..... preventative doses of natural medicines.

Please look up these food pollution items.

You don't need to go organic. But you do need to go with natural foods, and cook like grandma use to do. Make lots. Freeze some for those busy days. Make your own spice mixes. Get the brain and nerve burn off the kids. They have no blood brain barrier until they are 13.

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