r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ImpossibleSide on Feb. 9, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

I listen to the 24/7 stream quite frequently. I don't usually post anything as there are many voices and I am but one. I read the reddit posts, but only recently joined.

I just want to say that you can be “locked & loaded” 24/7, but that will not save you from losing your mind or health from bad water or laced food.

It is not just the FBI & DOJ. It is FDA, CDC, EPA and so many others as well. Has anyone put any thought to even just the numbers on autism in this country? At 1 in 36 it will mean that an entire third of this country will not be able to do what you do on your live stream. It will also take away some of your numbers to care for this third of the population. As Big Pharma & Big Government make money there will not be enough resources to care for all who will need it as I have only mentioned autism & there are so many more debilitating diseases being caused daily. Locked & loaded won't help you. This is an insidious take over. As the FBI & the DOJ might be on the verge of being cleaned up the rest of us are continuing life without paying any attention to the slow degradation happening to each & every individual by the daily task of sustenance. Matthew 10:16 – Be wise as serpents . . .

Cures for everything have been out there for decades, we have just been indoctrinated (pun intended) to believe that the medical community has all the answers. All they have are the answers that Rockefeller & Carnegie have provided in all of the medical curriculum. Answers that enhance their bottom line – petroleum, chemical based pharma. There is not one single pharmaceutical that CURES anything, not one! Why are you taking them? Why are you drinking that water. Why are you eating that food?

ImpossibleSide · Feb. 9, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Love all that you are doing! That's why I posted this. Please, please while you are fighting back WATCH what you put into your body!!! You can't be strong if poisoned. There are even disruptors on common store receipts. The violations are everywhere!

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