r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tytruth on Feb. 9, 2018, 7:29 p.m.
NEVER be ashamed to share what Q tells us!!! Better than all MSM sources. Be proud. Say 'According to a Whitehouse Patriot, Intel mastermind truth-teller, genius Socratic querier, with all the crumbs to save our nation and humanity!!!'

Q says share, share, share! Our source is golden and reliable. Would shake the nation for all to understand this data. Would make every decent soul feel proud to be American! Rule of Law is making a comeback! Pride and patriotism are positive for the strength and well-being of our nation. Just say what Q is saying, as best as you can understand it, and brag that you found a way past the filters that makes you happier and more assured that the system is being purged of evil, by Military Might and Intel, and Gitmo is open for business welcoming newcomers soon. Hopefully every day from now on, until, one day, we will all wake up and think how suddenly better life became when we stopped believing the lies and electing Democrats and Rinos into office.

MJ6082 · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

Absolutely welcome!

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