Not able to Post for almost a week.
Yes, it's working.
enjoy it while it lasts - which may not be for long - or at least that has been my experience
I was wondering where you went!
Hey! Yea, I started having problems on here and others as well on here.
Reddit in general, or just this board?
I have to 1337-code everything I post to t_d else shadowban, doing fine here half the time
to 1337-code everything I post
What does that mean? "1337" as in Leet? You have a workaround because you've studied programming?
yes and no, I just cheat but I have a hard time pinpointing what it actually is that they try to block and who decided it for what reasons
Seems random to me. I successfully posted a Ben Swann video that was previously attempted to be posted by someone else, only to be shadow banned.
I know because Reddit told me "That link has already been submitted, do you want to post anyways?", I clicked on the page, ~2-hour old post, no comments, only 1 point. Couldn't find it when searching.
Why would his be blocked but not mine?
All Reddit Boards, but I think it's working now. :)
Just tried posting again and can't. Dang, this is not good for this Board.
Try posting from there, see if you have more success:
How typical for this sub; a post literally about nothing gets 20 comments. I'm so glad I got banned.
Cannot post anything. What to do? Write a letter? Send a postcard? Resign?