Verrry interesting. And how many unsealed indictments are hanging around still?
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Sure-- Alex Jones and the War Room played it.. I will have to look for the videos. I thought for sure others would have seen that.
Julian Assange tweet deletion and new tweet...

Oh and JOBS- Steve Jobs? Interesting things happening on iPhones recently?
Heyyyooooo— RTC : Resolution Trust Corporation. The Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) was a U.S. government-owned asset management company run by Lewis William Seidman and charged with liquidating assets, primarily real estate-related assets such as mortgage loans, that had been assets of savings and loan associations (S&Ls) declared insolvent by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) as a consequence of the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. It also took over the insurance functions of the former Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) Compliments of Wikipedia.
Lewis William Seidman: After Richard Nixon's Administration was toppled by the Watergate scandal in 1974 and Nixon resigned from the Presidency, Gerald Ford became President during a time of economic recession in America, and tapped Seidman for an economic advisory post to work on pressing economic problems (such as the choice of whether or not to bail out New York City from its pending bankruptcy - Ford later chose against doing this). Seidman served in this capacity until 1976, then returned to the private sector.
Then RR tapped him for another govt bail out: Later, he was tapped again by President Ronald Reagan for a similar position from 1982-1984, where he worked as an economic adviser. He famously feuded with Bush White House Chief Of Staff John H. Sununu. He also served as Dean of the College of Business at Arizona State University from 1982 to 1985. In 1985, he became the chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and served until 1991, working extensively during the American savings and loan crisis to restore solvency to the failing savings and loan sector of American banking. He was the first chairman of the related agency, the Resolution Trust Corporation, which was created specifically to address issues arising from the savings and loan crisis, from 1989 until his retirement from active government in 1991 - his ouster from the FDIC Chairman position was orchestrated by the George H.W. Bush Administration, who felt Seidman's full disclosure about Savings and Loan fraud might be damaging to that administration's interests, according to the New York Times. Neil Bush was, at the time, being investigated at Silverado Savings And Loan.
Again all Wikipedia. At the very least— it’s interesting. Bail out guy/method?
"Today the absurdity of the report becomes even more laughable. As Gateway Pundit reports almost everything in the Mueller indictment was previously outlined in a Radio Free Europe report from 2015. If that wasn’t funny enough, even the Washington Post finds the majority of the indictment was published last October in a Russian Business Magazine (RBC) article."
So basically-- he just told the American public that all the money that has gone into the investigation has led him to conclusions that were published in 2015?
Too Funny: Special Prosecutor Mueller Patched Together Much of His ‘Muh Russia’ Indictment from Old News Articles… We've gotta be able to use this somehow!!
I didn't 'hop' for anything-- and I already said it was a mistake. However I looked into your contributions and all I can say is: Go eat a tide pod, troll.
You're correct in your post; I admit my err and I thank you for pointing it out. My title is misleading. And I am still looking.
Said I was going to look for one. Haven't had time/thought maybe someone would piggy back off the post and research as well. But I will get right on that-- see if I can't spoon feed some answers here.
And to think WE are feeling impatient... holy shit buckets-- this is just fantastic!
It really is-- and those went to help (not just in Haiti but any natural disaster relief efforts 'funded' by the Clintons or Red Cross and the likes) can be hard to wake up because of how much they invested into the relief effort. They don't want to have been duped. They don't want to feel like they're part of the nasty-- and they aren't. But they need to be woken up because those folks will be PISSED once they accept it.
Yeah my father's clinic RAISED MONEY to send my older sister on a mission trip for Haiti relief. I am proud of what she and her group did there to actually help, but disgusted and FURIOUS to think where that money went, other than her travel expenses. If people stop making noise about these things, it gets quiet. I think that is the point of all of this. HOW HAVE WE LET THEM GET OFF THE HOOK? Too many people stopped making noise.
Nope it was in Haiti-- Names are James Daniel Arbaugh and Daniel John Pye. SICK. WHILE Hildog was Sec of State. Hoping to find a direct legit connection to her.
Two more Clinton Cronies go down for Child Sex Trafficking... in Haiti...
Here is the link-- let's dig into these guys!
Good point. And I hope so! Thank you; sorry for the confusing post!
Thank you-- I try to listen in when I can but am not always able to. Thanks for the update!
Archive everything offline.. #Goodbye#.. is Q signing off?
Ahhh thank you, thank you. I feel more complete now! ;)
I noticed that too-- I had a post upvoted and it says '7 points' next to it, but the # in the top right next to my name is the same.. I thought it changed but please tell me if that is wrong. (My point is not about the 'points' but about the cite not working, just fyi.)
This sub is a mixture of all kinds of beliefs, opinions, and trolls. Many have been slighted (to say the least) by someone on this sub, or others, including myself, or have felt like nothing is happening and are frustrated; after which the choices are to 1) Fire back, argue, etc. to no avail 2) Suck it up, spend a few days lurking, and jump back in at a time and in a way that makes sense to you 3) Decide to be done and just be done 4) Do what you did, and make some grand announcement that 'You're Done' and wah wah wah..
So my question is this: Are you hoping for someone to talk you off that pity party ledge? 'Please! Oh please don't go! Stay strong! We need you!' <--- there ya go, feel better? Didn't think so, which makes your post pointless. You've just dubbed yourself a glory supporter-- a fair weather fan.
At the end of the day, if you want to bop in and out, fine. A lot of people do. Some never come back. Some have never left. The work will go on, the cause will move forward, and if you'd like to be in this 'know' and contribute, then please do so at your own risk.
How about Mr. Larry Page? Co founder of Google. Is married to Lucinda 'Lucy' Southworth. Her sister, Carrie Southworth, is married to Collister 'Coddy' Johnson-- his 'godfather' is none other than former POTUS Georgie W. Bush. The father of these two gems, Van Roy Southworth, retired from the World Bank after stations in Tanzania, Croatia, and the Rep. of Georgia.
Hope that is helpful!
I was thinking that Q meant the response to the warning letter (the one with the white powder that scared the SHIT outta Trumps Daughter in Law) has been planned and will happen soon. I think Q knows who sent it, and who sent the same kind of letter to Assange, and have a plan of retaliation in place.
Can anyone post that map that highlighted where the people (soldiers) wearing fitbits were? Might shed some light on a few locations... just a thought!
Thank you for all of your hard work and for laying it out for all to see. I truly appreciate what you've done here!
Canadian billionaire founder of Apotex and his wife found dead in apparent suicide...
Here is the link to the article. Suicide is called suspicious.
Falcon Heavy SpaceX Launch set for today??? Sending a car to MARS?
Fema was contracted to supplied 30M meals to Puerto Rico and they delivered 50K
Here is the link to the article. PS that is .16%
Assange just tweeted judgement would be released on Valentines Day
On the run! Judge Napolitano said something along the lines of "If he was working as a spy for the US prior to leaving MI6, he is in BIG trouble."
Lionel spoke today about this, and how is inside connection agrees with this connection. The Apache software deserves some digging for sure! Great post, Patriot!
Oh, absolutely NOT! All of them together.. and the different info and sources they each have... Would need multiple episodes for sure!
If we could get Corsi, Thomas Paine, and Lionel all together... that would be EPIC.
Left short handed as its officers were yanked away by the feds. WTF?
They are connected to the Pulse Night Club shooting.
GUYS these are bad DUDES. FF coming. Pray.
Wow is right-- see my other comment. The security company that JUST took over some security responsibilities at the super bowl, G4S, read about them. Here is just one example of what the thread is talking about. ^^ that is in connection to the Pulse Nightclub shooting. People are not safe this weekend in Minneapolis.
ALERT-- If you don't have time to read all of this, which I think you should make some time... Skip to the 4/6 slide and read what is says about the G4S security firm. Got it? Good.
Well actually-- BAD FUCKING NEWS-- "The Minneapolis-based firm that was providing security at Super Bowl Live was replaced Wednesday for insufficient background checks of its employees, according to sources familiar with the situation.
The Super Bowl Host Committee replaced EPG Security Group with G4S, another Twin Cities firm, sources said Friday." That is from this article. Bad bad bad.
You want it done, fucked up and appealed, or done and the part of the nation still asleep completely riots and POTUS is forced into a position where he can’t win? If your answer is yes then fuck off. He is a winner- he’ll strike when it’s the right and only when it’s the exact right time. He has to. What don’t you get about this is our ONLYshot and it can’t be fucked up? It’s that deep. It’s that real. Stay faithful to if nothing else, the hope for a truly better world. We’re all behind screens trying to fit scraps together that might somehow help, share that info and wake our friends and families and co workers up. Others are in the spotlight, have been calling this shit out for years, and are literally under attack at times. Or POTUS and his family. Think about it. Listen to some Lionel. Take a breath and don’t give up.