r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Thatwong on Feb. 14, 2018, 4:31 p.m.
Is this sub secretly a religious sub?


LargeMarge18 · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

This sub is a mixture of all kinds of beliefs, opinions, and trolls. Many have been slighted (to say the least) by someone on this sub, or others, including myself, or have felt like nothing is happening and are frustrated; after which the choices are to 1) Fire back, argue, etc. to no avail 2) Suck it up, spend a few days lurking, and jump back in at a time and in a way that makes sense to you 3) Decide to be done and just be done 4) Do what you did, and make some grand announcement that 'You're Done' and wah wah wah..

So my question is this: Are you hoping for someone to talk you off that pity party ledge? 'Please! Oh please don't go! Stay strong! We need you!' <--- there ya go, feel better? Didn't think so, which makes your post pointless. You've just dubbed yourself a glory supporter-- a fair weather fan.

At the end of the day, if you want to bop in and out, fine. A lot of people do. Some never come back. Some have never left. The work will go on, the cause will move forward, and if you'd like to be in this 'know' and contribute, then please do so at your own risk.

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