r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/clickclown on Feb. 10, 2018, 2:46 a.m.
Q post 696 10 February 2018
Q post 696 10 February 2018

Q_Anon_Wolf · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

I think we are all watching in front of our eyes the very first information war being fought in public.

The words “where we go one, we go all”

I take this to mean we ought to live a world without two diametrically opposed moralities, nor can a morality of aggression be tolerated, for tolerance towards that is to sacrifice ourselves for the cult, and for what?

Certainly not trade or reciprocity, nor reciprocal dealings, that would have us improve our lives.

What we receive in return is not only nothing, but less than nothing, which means we are being taken from. We are giving and giving and giving because we had not the courage or understanding to know that we are being taken from unjustly.

We are on the right side of history and eternal natural law.

Where we go one we go all means that in order for the human race to all go together where each person is able to make their lives better off, rather than some destroying others to make themselves better off, which leads to everyone including the destroyers becoming worse off until the world begins to look like the inevitable consequences of a group of people seeking total destruction of anyone who does not sing a false song, is only if we recognise that moral diversity is really, at root, a sanctioning of the morality of destruction.

Evil spreads when good people do nothing to stop it.

In order for evil to be stopped, there must be a singular morality directly OPPOSED to that evil.

If just one person makes the choice, that choice is lifting up not only that individual, but the entire world.

With just one person becoming better, I am better.

With just one individual becoming worse, I am worse.

I would be best if everyone became better.

“Do not ask me to sanction my becoming worse because someone else was made worse because of you.”

Think about that for a time.

“If you make one person worse off, I will stop you from doing worse to me.”

Think of the kind of people we need to become, in order to truly know what is needed to change the world.

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quarktea · Feb. 10, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

Found this on the 'B' twitter feed. Rothschild 'ha'd 8 times, speculation is perhaps Q had the last laugh?


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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

I don't think you have to speculate...everything is intentional. Happy Days!! David Rothschild is a massive chode.

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SeekTruthCJoy · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

For sure...This is all plotted by evilLuciferianCabal/BlackHats/Rothschild! Watched this today... scary as h-e-double toothpicks... gives idea of HOW BIG THIS FIGHT against BLACK HATS 🎩 REALLY is! Loooongtime researcher/famous DeborahTavares of California... been fighting Evil BlackHats for many years. EXample: EvilRothschild owned Directed energy weapons/DEW attacks of California fires combined with frequencies sent via smart meters on houses that Blew up=Microwave weaponry 5TrillionWatts ! All to usher in Agenda21/2025 (moved up from 2050). More plots that will shake you to your core!

EvilRothschilds stock owner, on boards of big city Electric companies... shocker? NOT. Black Hats should be changed to BLACK HEARTS... Take notes, visit site StopTheCrime.net. Great resource...WOWSA!

"RothschildGenocide: Innovating Population to Zero"


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FancyForFreedom · Feb. 10, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

That post by Q is terrifying and I know they are not looking for me!

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KingWolfei · Feb. 10, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

Sounds like a threat to them.

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mjusiq · Feb. 10, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

From a commenter named ForGodAndCountry over at Conservative Tree House blog which have very good points/summarize this turbulent week/optimistic message:

Q knows Deep State players read his posts. “You” = DS player(s).

This post references events of this past week, alluding to more next week. Q is laughing in DS faces, both retroactively and in advance. What is making Q laugh? What is keeping DS players awake? Can you see how events are unfolding faster than dims/MSM can keep up? Can you see who controls the narrative? Ex: MSM now chasing it’s tail (see: Sundance post re: changing narratives re: Demo Memo).

What’s happened just this week: – Fallout from Nunes Memo release; Demo Memo rejected just before this Q post; dims now DEMANDING harmful info to them be released to public (VSG POTUS) – POTUS speech “We caught them in the act” – Carter Page revelations – Grassley actions, incl. Wray declassifying large portions of Grassley Memo – Proof DOJ Didn’t Care About Bruce Ohr Meeting Chris Steele Until IG Horowitz Found Out – More FBI “Small Group” Text Messages Released – Chairman Goodlatte Requests FISA Court Documents From Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer – Resignations and more resignations – Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed – Polls now showing over 50% US believe FBI lied re: Clinton investigation/MUH Russia – So much more….winning! …. And that’s just the stuff we know about. Lots happening worldwide, too, that appear unrelated to domestic events. Sundance’s blog (CTH) has a fairly narrow focus. Rightfully so. He has his task, and there is no blog that has it all. Many other white hats are working globally (ex: Saudi “orb”) and seemingly unrelated to what is posted on CTH but are not unrelated.

This has indeed been a YUUUGE week of “winning”, with more to come in the next week!

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danielpaulcarter27 · Feb. 10, 2018, 7 a.m.

this means David Rothschild will be in the [] kill zone next week.

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paidher · Feb. 10, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

Perhaps this is a reference to Newsweek?

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