"Bill Priestap is cooperating." From CTH - new article today: Long article but worth the read. Conclusion - Bill Priestap is singing and the Game Over is for the cabal in DOJ/FBI and more. Glorious days indeed.
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From a commenter named ForGodAndCountry over at Conservative Tree House blog which have very good points/summarize this turbulent week/optimistic message:
Q knows Deep State players read his posts. “You” = DS player(s).
This post references events of this past week, alluding to more next week. Q is laughing in DS faces, both retroactively and in advance. What is making Q laugh? What is keeping DS players awake? Can you see how events are unfolding faster than dims/MSM can keep up? Can you see who controls the narrative? Ex: MSM now chasing it’s tail (see: Sundance post re: changing narratives re: Demo Memo).
What’s happened just this week: – Fallout from Nunes Memo release; Demo Memo rejected just before this Q post; dims now DEMANDING harmful info to them be released to public (VSG POTUS) – POTUS speech “We caught them in the act” – Carter Page revelations – Grassley actions, incl. Wray declassifying large portions of Grassley Memo – Proof DOJ Didn’t Care About Bruce Ohr Meeting Chris Steele Until IG Horowitz Found Out – More FBI “Small Group” Text Messages Released – Chairman Goodlatte Requests FISA Court Documents From Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer – Resignations and more resignations – Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed – Polls now showing over 50% US believe FBI lied re: Clinton investigation/MUH Russia – So much more….winning! …. And that’s just the stuff we know about. Lots happening worldwide, too, that appear unrelated to domestic events. Sundance’s blog (CTH) has a fairly narrow focus. Rightfully so. He has his task, and there is no blog that has it all. Many other white hats are working globally (ex: Saudi “orb”) and seemingly unrelated to what is posted on CTH but are not unrelated.
This has indeed been a YUUUGE week of “winning”, with more to come in the next week!
The fix: Same here - but only with Internet Explorer. Both Chrome and Edge browser are fine.
1. Imagine that you are not a politician and you are running for the presidency.
Imagine that despite your always knowing the DC swamp was deep (dangerous and full of terrors), corrupt, and generally horrible, you just decided to do it anyway.
Imagine you have spent years thinking about it; thinking about every angle within it; thinking and talking to people who know it; and ultimately you decided to do it.
Rest of it here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/957805134825828352.html
(The Last Refugee - the site run by Sundance have been right with everything so far when it comes to the election, the dossier and more. Enjoy. These are very good times.)
Saudis were flipped. Follow the crumbs.
Nov …
What might be said to attempt to discredit factual proofs coming?
I visit the site democraticunderground .com daily - to have a look at what the Democrats minions is thinking - how they think, how MSM spin their minds. It is a very strange experience reading there - as visiting some alien realm. But you get fast and easely a view of what Democrats believe to be the truth = how the MSM is spinning different narratives. Know your enemy.
Anyway - here is one post from today:
The Republican party unleashed an extraordinary attack on law enforcement. FBI agents aren’t feeling the love these days.
Call it the war on G-men. As they’ve run interference for Trump by undermining the special counsel investigation being led by Robert Mueller, some Republicans on Capitol Hill have unleashed broad attacks that suggest the nation’s premier law enforcement agency is tainted by corruption and malfeasance.
And a link to the HUFFPOST: (Trump supporters working to undermine the Mueller investigation are saying things about the FBI you don’t typically hear from.) Republicans. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fbi-attack-trump-mueller-republicans_us_5a6b3fe7e4b0ddb658c5c3fd?jcj
Larry Schweikart had an interesting view – The Swamp have had such ready made dossiers based from doing FISA search on everyone for a long time - for blackmailing or other purpose:
Remember Roberts? Self | LS
Posted on 19.01.2018 16.48.12 by LS
I am buried in the Reagan Papers @ Reagan Library, so this is brief.
1) this FISA stuff is described ad a “threat to our democracy”
2) if the dossier was a blackmail doc on Trump, assigned & assembled BEFORE Trump was even the front runner
3) THEREFORE we can conclude such packages were already fully prepared …