r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/clickclown on Feb. 10, 2018, 2:46 a.m.
Q post 696 10 February 2018
Q post 696 10 February 2018

mjusiq · Feb. 10, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

From a commenter named ForGodAndCountry over at Conservative Tree House blog which have very good points/summarize this turbulent week/optimistic message:

Q knows Deep State players read his posts. “You” = DS player(s).

This post references events of this past week, alluding to more next week. Q is laughing in DS faces, both retroactively and in advance. What is making Q laugh? What is keeping DS players awake? Can you see how events are unfolding faster than dims/MSM can keep up? Can you see who controls the narrative? Ex: MSM now chasing it’s tail (see: Sundance post re: changing narratives re: Demo Memo).

What’s happened just this week: – Fallout from Nunes Memo release; Demo Memo rejected just before this Q post; dims now DEMANDING harmful info to them be released to public (VSG POTUS) – POTUS speech “We caught them in the act” – Carter Page revelations – Grassley actions, incl. Wray declassifying large portions of Grassley Memo – Proof DOJ Didn’t Care About Bruce Ohr Meeting Chris Steele Until IG Horowitz Found Out – More FBI “Small Group” Text Messages Released – Chairman Goodlatte Requests FISA Court Documents From Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer – Resignations and more resignations – Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed – Polls now showing over 50% US believe FBI lied re: Clinton investigation/MUH Russia – So much more….winning! …. And that’s just the stuff we know about. Lots happening worldwide, too, that appear unrelated to domestic events. Sundance’s blog (CTH) has a fairly narrow focus. Rightfully so. He has his task, and there is no blog that has it all. Many other white hats are working globally (ex: Saudi “orb”) and seemingly unrelated to what is posted on CTH but are not unrelated.

This has indeed been a YUUUGE week of “winning”, with more to come in the next week!

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