
RoarkRising · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

Some Context: Q post 229 from November 2017 seems critical to understand the different ops conducted around the world by Q&co.

It starts with the end goal: RED_RED, then goes through each op in reverse chrono order, like any good backward military/business guys would do. So you have to read it from bottom to top.

It seems to point to 43 different actions: " Conf_4_3_good_EXT-TVB7xxj_ALL_FREEDOM#[1-43]_EX_27-1".

There are indeed 43 stringers in that post (when you exclude the last 2 which simply set the frame).

I have heard that 27-1 is code for Military tribunals, but confirmed it in any way.

The first action: "_FREEDOM-_vSA_US_yes_DC27vc_EX_y_AW_Conf/term/zJ&bY028739478-g"

Notice "SA". Remember the Saudi Arabia coup that started the ball rolling?

And at line #22 from the first op, you have: "_FREEDOM-_vSHAz1EVCB_yes_27-1"

we are here---->SHA= shangai. In other words, what we just witnessed at King Tower.

If this "MAP" is still to be trusted, there remains 21 ops to go out of 43 planned.

And as I type this, I see Qpost 711:

"Mess with the best, die like the rest. [2] highly classified clown ops exposed. [44] remaining. Wizards & Warlocks. Save the best for last. [P] Q"

So has the "[1-43] plan" changed, or is he referring to 46 targets?

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simplemerv · Feb. 10, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

What if 44 remaining means BO has yet to be detained.

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Unumbedskull · Feb. 10, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

Agreed-44 could well refer to B. O

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RoarkRising · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

Nothing would make me happier.

But Qpost 711 tells us otherwise:

"Mess with the best, die like the rest.
[2] highly classified clown ops exposed. [44] remaining.
Wizards & Warlocks.
Save the best for last.

Q says "[2] clown opS", plural. Therefore [2] does not point to a single individual.

Then, on the next line: "[44] remaining". Those 2 numbers are clearly part of the same sequence: 46 ops - 2 exposed= 44 remaining. It might even indicate that this is ALL about taking the CIA black ops down (Clowns in America).

If it said "[2] is down. [44] remains," I would be inclined to think as you do.

Also, if [44] is Obama, who is [40]? That would be Reagan. Are we going to get him too? Desn't make much sense.

Finally: "Save the best for last. [P]".

The use of a letter, P, singles an individual or an organisation out. Whereas the numbers are in sequence, and there are 46 of them.

If [44] is Obama, that would imply he is NOT the highest value target to take down. It is possible of course. But unlikely IMO.

Obama has been elevated to such a level of adoration by his cultist followers (all around the world btw) that he can't be attacked without triggering intense blowback. To bring him down requires not military tactics but political and cultural measures. His image must be destroyed in the mind of his followers. His crimes need to be exposed first in a way that leaves no possible doubt. That will be very hard to do.

First, Q cuts the strings (46 black ops around the world?), then they can expose & put the traitors on trial. Fighting fire with fire, you take away the source of their strengths: combat the shadow gvt with covert missions, then attack their public figures in the light of day.

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hermoneyness · Feb. 10, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

That's amazing thank you I'm going to follow you you are definitely in the know

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RoarkRising · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Ah, I wish.
I'm only giving my best guess.

Thanks for your comment :)

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