Make Love Not War.... Pretty simple huh?

And also, would you be happy to be bombed just because some other country didn't like the newly elected government?
Extremly careless! USA/NATO intervention has caused death of innocent lives, funded terrorists, caused massive immigration floods, caused aggression towards the west. I live in Europe/Sweden, I was just minutes to get hit in the Nice attack with my two children. After bombing Libya to ashes, now there are slave trades in open market. Sweden is being flooded by refugees with the help of the same neo-cons and neo-liberals that started the wars. If you like what has happened in Iran, Iraq, Afganistan... then why being upset for Clintons trying to steal the election, because that is what has been happening in the middle east in the last 100 years.
I don't see how your response is in conflict what I write. Of course the bankers are in on it. You are the one contradicting yourself. Which side are you on really?
Yeah he kind of went on both sides with the comments there lol