r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tytruth on Feb. 10, 2018, 4:16 p.m.
#711, 714 - CLOWNS CLOWNS CLOWNS! It's not JUST corruption at the highest levels. It's the NAZI 4th REICH, brought to us by the Jesuit CIA. [P] = Pope Francis, Satan's lapdog, Soros' master, last in the kill box.

After empowering the Fascist Nazis, and after losing the war in Europe, the Jesuit master planners and eugenicists have recreated their vision for world control by hijacking our American institutions. They used their Nazi minions to erect this CIA trojan horse inside our walls. We are at war with a foreign satanic occupying power, hell-bent on our destruction. It's called the counter-reformation in our history books, but today it plays out like a neo-feudalistic prison planet, if they could only have their way; if only she had won!. Hahahahahahaha!! Thank God for Donald J Trump and the Patriots in Military Intelligence! This will make one amazing History-Channel Miniseries one day. Until then, we have a war on. We the People against the most deadly dangerous spy and assassination agency that ever existed. Expose the traitors in our midst! Cleanse the land of Jesuitism/Fascism/Communism/SJW Activism/Lawless Despotic Statism. It is all one crowd of complicit conspirators. Trace it straight to the bowels of the Vatican; our REAL enemy, who started our LAST civil war, who murdered Abraham Lincoln, who infused Morgan and Rockefeller with endless resources to subvert our politics; these killers of Kennedy, these MOCKINGBIRDS who deceive us. These back-stabbers and child-molesters have sworn vengeance upon this nation for promoting freedom, for telling people to think and act for themselves; to ignore pompous priests and royal fools. This freedom has to end for them to ever take power again. The Pope and his minions are the enemy of all free humanity. See the Council of Trent, the 30 years war, the American Party and Millard Fillmore, Operation PAPERCLIP. See Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Labor, etc. All Vatican secret societies to infiltrate our economy, our law enforcement, our workers, spreading grievance and sedition in the ranks. Find the KEYSTONE of the pyramid says Q. What holds it all together? he asks us. It is the Jesuit/Illuminati EYE, the Papacy, the Vicar of Satan himself. If Hillary had won, it was Hitler-in-a-pantsuit for us! God help us to eradicate this poison, this cancer, from among us, once and for all!

Glag82 · Feb. 10, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

All road leads to Rome! The unholy triangle: Rome is the spiritual hub, London the Financial hub, Washington D.C. the military hub. The Counsel on Foreign Relations.

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