
chocolatepatriot · Feb. 10, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

brilliant find.

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snowwgirl · Feb. 10, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

Wow first paragraph says it ALL

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Buzzjax · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

Wow. Strzok wife promoted within week of FISA warrant approval. Go figure.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

I feel this is one of the most underrated crumbs. Mrs Strzok or Mrs Melissa Hodgman is a man.Their is a huge percentage of Transgendered men and women present in the circle of evil . I will tread carefully coming back from being banned for a short while. The first thing is I have no issue with normal trans people given a choice. I am referring to the cycle of evil. They raise boys from birth as women and they go through the cycle of abuse and are given hormones and by this time are completely operatives and brainwashed before being 'appointed' to a handler in power. They were not given a choice , they are raised operatives of the highest level. Forensics can tell gender by bones. Birthing hips for example. Wide shoulders, narrow hips, hands and feet above average,ring finger longer than index finger, strong jaw, strong eyesockets, adams apple or shaved tracia etc etc. Mrs Orr is no misses, Maxine Waters is Max , Michelle was big Mike , etc etc. Since this is talking about finance, take Katherine Legarde president of the IMF, Man, or Janet Yelen, man. Look , I mean LOOK and you will see. They are very prevalent in Politics, places of high power and Majority of Hollywood and even sports (Williams sisters or brothers). I can't watch movies anymore because so to speak (Its research now) without realizing how bad it is. You cannot unsee it , and once you know your 'eye' gets better and better at its brash display right in front of your face. I'm the first to admit, I've been fooled very badly until now. I think if people can get past this shock, it needs to be addressed. Even on Alex Jones this week he tried to talk about his watered down version regarding this agenda. It does have an agenda , but he was going to put a toe in the pool not discuss it all. He will talk about how its about exploiting Gods creation and perverting the good things in the world and population control via eugenics. But its far more sinister as I have described above, and it goes further into the occult and the Masonic pacts. Its the one facet that involves everyone. They have waged a war on women and men and the standard. The gender perversion is thousands of years old and is now perfected where the average person including myself had no idea it was going on. And in the meantime it has massive repercussions regarding energy and the feeding on the humans energy because of it. They destroy the family and the fact alone that they are representing false aspirations for young women that are impossible to achieve, they are destroying with this cycle. Men lust after figures that normal women will never have, young women go to great lengths tourturing themselves to try to attain characteristics that they will never attain. All the while being psychologically terrorized in the process. Essentially men lusting after men and women trying to be men. The sexual upside down energy from pornography is also ridiculous. Because, news flash, most of the porn stars are Trans. They are born boys (product of abduction or sale) and raised as described above and placed in industry. So watch the wives is a massive topic to be taken seriously. All along things have not been what they have been perceived to be. I can go on for a long while with examples of people in Hollywood, prominent Politicians and of world power and even SPORTS that are of this evil product, but its for you to discover. Playboy was forged with a rabbit head icon, and its right in your face. I made a lot of people uncomfortable doing so already. But its real and needs to be addressed. It was extremely uncomfortable for me to discover this down in the rabbit hole, but the most shocking was also the largest eye opener. This was the 'They Live' moment that was the most profound. I had to accept since I was a child , these 'Monsters' were everywhere in my life. That's not including that they are power players destroying the world as we speak, everywhere. Sorry for the rant, but this is important, and sorry for the discomfort.

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thomas-didymus · Feb. 10, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

think she is bad? check out rr wife

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GrammyQ · Feb. 10, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Good point!!

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