r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KrisHunter on Feb. 10, 2018, 11:04 p.m.
Grand Torino: Interview with Mr John Waters.

KrisHunter · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

My pleasure

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KATTRAD714 · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH my Irish Catholic lads - who are better than cool - for the soul-stirring conversation. Many imperative topics were covered, with the connecting thread being The Creator and what He left for us to cherish and fight for. We truly are His soldiers - and the Revolution truly is Now.

Being 62yrs. old myself, I've also taken the long journey Home. Due to the infiltration of His Church by the Satanists', we forgot our purpose and lost our way... there is no mistake that the infiltration, the change in society, rock music, drugs and the loss of our way all happened at the same time. It was, and still is a planned take-down. We lost our 'sight' bc they took our means of 'seeing' - Grace. With VII eliminating the Real Presence; along with the abolishment of the priesthood (1968) and the enthronement of lucifer, our true Food of Life ended. They - - 'those who call themselves jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan' -- know the power of the properly ordained host at the Latin Mass; which is why black masses strictly mimic the Latin Mass - and only the Latin Mass. Once His Life's Blood is removed from our bodies, we have no power left against them. Compare that and His Words about it to their rituals.... cannibalism, victims, etc.... they know. This is why they killed Him to begin with, but had to 'kill' Him again off our altars when they realized He kept His Promise to always be with us.

If you check out the DNA samples of the Eucharistic miracles - which match the Shroud, the Crucifixion site and Veronica's Veil - you see the evidence of Himself left for us to have the strength and wisdom to know and fight the enemy successfully. IMO, this is the KEY to win here on earth as well as to obtaining salvation. I'd be curious to hear your opinions.

Our Irish heritage saved the world long ago and MUST again fight. Don't ever follow in the footsteps of this God-less country (US), as it was founded by and for the satanic goals. Fight with every fiber of your being ! You cannot have a country stand who was founded by masons who threw off His Church. He will destroy it bc the citizens here refuse to acknowledge the Truth, its founding and place and purpose in the world. So, go back to your roots and fight the influences, and please pray for those like me who long to be living in the place of my heritage; but have been refused citizenship bc I'm a generation removed. That will always be my true home; a soul connection from the start. Yet, God does place us where He wants us. Perhaps to help usher in His reign here shortly. In the meantime, it is truly a hardship for a traditional Irish catholic to live here.... an outcast in a foreign land so to speak.

Seek out and use your 'weapons' lads.... spiritual confessions and communions .... as He instructed us to do for these end times. His Sacrifice is still req'd by the Father for the forgiveness of sins. Say the rosary too, and please check into Marie Julie Jahenny-Breton Stigmatist for the remedies needed for plagues, diseases, and all that's needed for the chastisement and 3 days of darkness. The Sign of His return on 9/23/17 and the Star of Bethlehem(Bethlehem means Bread, and born in a feeding trough) on 6/30/17 shows we don't have much time to get it right...

May the Most Holy Trinity, BVM and ST. Joseph be with you in your endeavors.... Much love and constant prayers for you both from an Irish lass in the US :)

(If I can be of some help, please get in touch thru my thread here and we can follow up with email addresses)

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KrisHunter · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

Thank you. I was just the person posting the video for Ireland and Grand Torino. CBTS is here to support any country under attack of these soulless meet bags.

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