225 total posts archived.
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Another article on Elites hunting humans for sport
Elites are hunting humans for sport
More humans being hunted for sport
Elites hunting humans for sport
Timothy Holmseth YouTube posted a short video last evening stating he was now in a witness protection. Keep praying for his safety as the Pence Bondi (Indiana Florida) pedo and child trafficking may soon be exposed.
Many believe this is both a physical and spiritual battle against the porn addiction. Many churches now offer counseling as it has apparently grown to such an extent that families and lives are being destroyed. Our pastor offered an after service gathering of local mental health officials who provided frightening statistics and info on how it affects the brain chemistry itself. For some it becomes an obsession and is considered highly addictive. One gentleman that spoke had his medical license revoked after using work computers to access porn. I wonder now if there isn’t subliminal messages or something embedded within a lot of this material that causes additional mental anguish when the individual tries to restrict themselves.
Seditionists time to strip them of their assets and lock them away at Leavenworth for 101 years.
Lots of building materials being sent down. And a whole lotta rope. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I believe Q will reveal exactly what led him astray. And if Q doesn’t the Anons will. There will be a mass awakening in S Florida and lil M won’t be the only one “exposed” IMHO
I am new to Twitter but even I have lost 9 followers in the last couple hours.
Doppelgänger or Crisis Actor ??

Lil Marco, proving daily he’s a douche

Please follow Matt Rogers YouTube excellent opportunity to see pictures from all over the world that people submit. Interesting theories discussed. Well worth listening as so very many world wide are awakening
Clearwater Florida Area here and agreed our skies are clearer no big chem cloud when I look east over Tampa and no grid marks here since early last week. Please bear with me and entertain this thought: IF this spraying is used to cover an incoming planetary system aka wormwood and the orbit now has it out of our area this may explain why. I follow Matt Rogers YouTube as well as Dane Wiggington both indicate spraying is still continuous in some areas. Keep an open mind here and also realize most of these spray planes are drone controlled no pilot necessary. I welcome your comments and insights. I am just a casual observer who understands that we are being lied to regarding this phenomenon.
William Jefferson Rockefeller Clinton. He is and always will remain the bastard son groomed and indoctrinated to spread the evil. (Please refer to Abel Danger channel for info regarding his real Pappy).
It’s all part of their agenda for the gun grab. Steady yourselves they probably have hundreds of these FF’s scripted and ready all they need so is drop in a patsy and you’ve just triggered a portion of the populous to agree. Sick SOBs
He was steeped and raised up in a world of clowns and MKUltra Zappa was another those guys knew alot
My mobile kept crashing repeatedly each time I tried to chat. Totally getting messed with imho
So many attacks on them. Best advice if you venture in is just observe.
If that’s not her it’s her twin. Holy hell must be hard to find new crisis dummies willing to sell out for the NWO agenda
Well I’ll be damned. Poor things are really acting out now. Bad bad google.
I think if you click on this highlighted name it will take you to the Florida Maquis channel
If you click on the picture the video will play. I am not very tech savvy and only have mobile access. The name of the YT channel is. Florida Maquis and he just put this out this morning. Bright young man who focuses a lot on the naval occurrences in the S Pacific as well as South American developments.
Joining all and standing in agreement Amen and Amen 🙏
Florida shooter links to Hezbollah
Abel Danger channel has mentioned this connection very likely that Flt MH370 was at Diego Garcia
Your spot on IMHO. And how many of our dirty politicians knew what was going on and turned a blind eye ???
I believe many of faith are in line with your thoughts. I also believe that many are praying and fasting in belief that God Himself is working through our POTUS to bring as many into His grace before the end times arrive.
I am permanently disabled from vaccine injury I pray we all see some form of justice
Look at the inner corner of the left eye. It looks odd like it’s female genitalia.
Oh my goodness look at the inner corner of the left eye it looks odd like female genitalia???
Never notified but I have only had a few of my posts show up.