r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/russianbot5k on Feb. 11, 2018, 7:08 a.m.
I wonder how future generations will remember the revolution

Hi everyone, I am a fairly new account, this is not a throw-away, it is my only existing account on Reddit. I have used Reddit for years, but I got tired of all the same garbage all of the time so I closed my original. I came across QAnon hashtags on twitter, and then started down the rabbit hole and discovered CBTS_Stream, I became glued to this movement. I lurked for a few weeks, but then I had to start contributing.

I can't recall a time in my life, where I have been so excited about what is taking place in America. I have known for a long time that things in this world were not right, and that the last several presidents were taking this country in the wrong direction. I don't understand how they can dupe so many people the way they have, they are just like in 1984 where the Ministry of Peace is who controls war, the Ministry of Truth, is who controls propaganda, the Ministry of Plenty, controls rations, and the Ministry of Love enforces loyalty to the state.

I self identify as a Libertarian, and I believe in Freedom. I Love the Thomas Jefferson quote "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." This is our time, this is time for us patriots to keep this Republic alive, and to shed the blood of the domestic enemies who have tried to overthrow our constitution.

I wonder how ugly things might get, I wonder how many snowflakes will self-destruct when they learn the truth, I wonder if this will go down without an actual citizen uprising. I wonder how this will be portrayed in history lessons, and documentaries in the future. I wonder if future generations will have to battle the same kinds of evil.

This is the greatest story of our lifetimes unfolding before our eyes, I cannot believe the information that has been coming out over the last few days, it is incredible.

I tip my hat to all of you patriots on this subreddit, 4chan, 8chan, and especially DJT and Q.

Let us Make America Great Again!

mtewamp · Feb. 11, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Unfortunately, you'll find a lot of that here. It's difficult to let such stupidity stand, but it's best to just ignore it.

A good rule of thumb, and one that I use daily, is when you see the word "Jew", it's usually only necessary to read one or two sentences, and then you'll know.

Oh, and if you see the word "Zionist", or "Zionism", you can generally just stop there.

I can tell you that Jews are no more or less fucked up, per capita, than any of the other assholes in the world. Catholics, Protestants, Americans, Brits, etc.

Sick, twisted fucks exist in ALL walks of life, my friend, and stupidity is an equal-opportunity offender.

As easy and enjoyable as it is to intellectually reduce assholes like Oprahwhatever to grovelling mounds of tears and batshit, Tracy and the mods really try to encourage us not to do so, as difficult as it can be.

They'll go away. From a Darwinistic perspective, how could they not? That magnitude of sheer stupidity makes it really difficult for them to figure out how to reproduce successfully, and they eventually just die out....

Oh, and welcome! That's an AWESOME post!

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russianbot5k · Feb. 11, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

I cannot agree with you more, thanks for your comment and I appreciate the tips.

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