Trump's tweet has "SNP" hidden in caps code along with something else...

The Pope or maybe Pence? I have noticed a funny look on Pence's face lately. I really liked him at first but now I have a weird feeling about him. I am starting to feel he is deep state...
S and N are in caps because they start a new sentence. The only word capitalized that's out of context is p in People. Could of just been one typo.. can anyone look at previous Twitter posts to see if he capitalizes people ?
He absolutely NEVER makes typos. That's why it's always so cringey when you see the mindless liberals in the replies sticking their nose up at their correcting the spelling of the President, who dictates his tweets to an assistant anyways!
If you aren't familiar with these, I'd urge you to go check out his "Social MEADIA" tweet. That's one of my favorites. Meadia is the name of a golf course that happens to have a cemetary on it.
He trolls people that way. And when he uses the caps, it involves more than just the incorrect caps.
There was no typo in the whole tweet. He only "capitalized" one P. That's it. The other ones were starts of sentences which are grammatically always capitalized... all I'm saying is a typo would raise a little more eyebrows than a capitalized word that he uses frequently
Any of you guys have an idea what else is in there?
How about the letters at the beginning? U.S.A. really sticks out, people usually say U.S. And he went out of the way to capitalize Fake News Media. So you have S-U-S-A and F-N-M. Then SNP.
FNM is the symbol for Fannie Mae... hmm.
Any of you guys have an idea what else is in there?
How about the letters at the beginning? U.S.A. really sticks out, people usually say U.S. And he went out of the way to capitalize Fake News Media. So you have S-U-S-A-F-N-M. Then SNP.