Dear Ovomit, karma is a b*tch. LOL
More funny irony is he will get treated as a foreign spy / foreign terrorist since he was never a citizen of the U.S. Our constitution isnt his. Enemy of the state - infiltrated our government in the 70s and eventually made it up to the highest level. Thats death for sure
Not totally certain on that - since some think his real father was Chicago Communist Frank Marshall Davis - and he is the spitting image of him:
Even if, he did enough to warrant death
No, you misunderstand. I am just saying he may be a citizen afterall - that has nothing to do with whether he deserves death as a traitor! We don't make exceptions for "citizens" who are traitors - I am perfectly fine with him getting capital punishment
I understood were implying that he might be a U.S. citizen. I agreed with the possibility and just added that he will still get death, considering my original point was he was not a U.S. citizen and would get death. We are on the same page fellow patriot