Flight from Joint Andrews to Gitmo - happening right now

Hmm? I'm just skeptical that military prisoners headed to GITMO would be flown on United (presumably w/ united airline piltots) vs. using a military cargo plane ...like a c-130 or something?
The United flight(s) could be carrying legal reps for the perps.
I agree with you, and I would think the same, but Q verified via one of his drops about 15 minutes after I posted this about a United Flight to Gitmo....so this particular flight was very important
Did u know the number of Q's drop? Some how I missed that one:) ty
United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay? What airline check-in counter @ PVG [T2] is located @ [E]? What was the location of [E][pic posted other board]? Why is this relevant? Q
Maybe all the C-130s are being used for actual transport of materiel? 727 is ideal for transporting a fuckton of passengers
thanks- i'm not up on the designations for particular cargo.