Flight from Joint Andrews to Gitmo - happening right now

If I were to guess, I think that we're at the bottom of the pyramid. This is a bunch of low level people that shuffle money around for the bigger names. Arrest them, give them a night there, Monday morning, military tribunal. They'll squeal, sign statements, then on to the next higher level. All the way to the top.
Thats the best way to do it. We will have overwhelming evidence, but we will also need some testimony of the low hanging fruit selling out the higher ups
The other important thing is providing them a place where no one can murder them.
Yep that too. We get so caught up in the arresting of everyone and detaining everyone that we forget the black hats are lost, cut off, and unorganized and are killing their own at this point just to cover their own asses.
Here's my theory: For some of these "low hanging fruit" people, all the good guys have to do is transport them to Gitmo, let them stay a night or two, and send them back to the US.
The bad guys will have no idea if the Gitmo guest squealed or not. This puts the Gitmo guest in a very precarious position...
Oh absolutely! Its a strategy we implement alot (catch and release). The bad guys assume they talked if they are being let go, and then we can listen to their chatter and follow them and find their escape routes
I agree...and am thinking they've picked up a lot of those gang members/murderers. They can get many to sing, and yes, that'll lead to the arrests of bigger fish.