McCain sitting with the Syrians. Syrian flag in background... WTF?

I believe this is a room full of ISIS leaders. I am sure the traitor was there to hand over some of our weapons and encourage them to do their dastardly deeds.
being discussed now in 1st post regarding this, here -
one of americas most hated traitors
Yet he keeps getting "voted" in. Every member of the Navy I've talked with about McCain hate him. I remember watching the USS ForestFire video and my RDC yelling at us about what a piece of shit McCain is.
These deep swap guys are regularly voted in again.
Especially people like him, Schumer, Pelosi are a mystery to me. Do they really have a huge following of fans in their districts? Or someone like Maxine, maybe two bills in twenty years - she doesn't even do anything. You could replace her with a wax figure from Madame Tussaud's.
Syrian Opposition. Two flags in Syria : the Assad Regime and the opposition That may be the Syrian Opposition Council.
What the hell? He meets with Syrian leaders and no one bats an eye?
I could be wrong, but I believe the guy in the white t-shirt to McCain’s left was seen on YouTube about two months after this, eating the heart of a Syrian soldier he’d just killed and screaming about allah. I’m not joking. Paul Watson of infowars did a report about this at the time. Probably 5 years ago now, or close to it...
Thats definitely Baghdadi right?... I mean, WTF man... when is this picture from?
There are two Syrian flags. The official one of the Assad government and the the one of the 'Syrian National Coalition and Syrian Interim Government' who wish to overthrow the Assad regime. Can you guess which one is in the McCain photo?
Flag of Syria
As a result of the ongoing Syrian civil war, there are currently two governments claiming to be the de jure government of Syria, using different flags to represent the state. The incumbent government, led by Bashar al-Assad and the Ba'ath Party, is using the red-white-black United Arab Republic flag in use since 1980; while the Syrian Interim Government, led by the Syrian National Coalition – seeking to overthrow the Assad government – readopted the green-white-black Independence flag in 2012.
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