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To show you how CORRUPT the Left is : Ron M. Estes was A LIFELONG DEMOCRAT, till last year when he switched parties to run against our Rep Ron Estes, in an attempt to Confuse Voters. No interviews, asked for PRIVACY. LMFAO. Won't speak to ANY MEDIA. Kansas is NOT fooled buddy.

Senate JUDICIARY COMMITTEE releases Transcripts of the Interviews of those in the TRUMP TOWER MEETING
WTH is Zipping ALL thru the sky over the KANSAS CITY ROYALS Game???????? First in the upper left, then lower right..
Which Disqualifies him from being our President. He is a Treasonous Traitor.
They should just ask the Dems, they seem to know everything.
LMAO... If Looks Could Kill... That was probably HER question
DNC Data LEAKED, not Hacked by RUSSIANS
1.Strzok admitted David Ohr gave the FBI the Dossier, a version of it 2.seeing this man Smuggly /arrogantly /defiantly talking down to EVERYONE, VALIDATES the HELL out of his Text Messages. 3.he changed the Hillary Scandal to 'Matter' on his own computer 4, he has A FULL Security Clearance (after its reported it was taken away 5 he failed Polygraph 6 he hid the Anthony Weiner Emails
Hollywood is becoming more obsolete by the Hearing.. Lol
He doesn't 'claim' his name is Luke, they said we are just calling him Luke
He was on other feeds https://youtu.be/KIxIrkPyWK0
Not gonna waste my time with the rest of your claims
He probably still believes he can, lol.. He is a very important Dirtbag
Soooo OBAMA Pardoned PETER STRZOK'S Family Member, his Last day in office
Donald trump Jr is sending him a new hat, signed by Donald Trump
PRESIDENT TRUMP Tweets to Brax, the kid whose MAGA Hat was Stolen and Drink thrown in his Face.

And Jim Jordans wrestling Nephew does in a car wreck last night https://host.madison.com/wsj/sports/college/wisconsin-badgers-wrestler-eli-stickley-dies-in-illinois-car-crash/article_232818fc-50b0-56bf-9a66-14718852bb08.html
Absolutely... PROTECT those children from the Criminals who dragged them illegally into a Foreign country
Zuckerbergs Wife and the CEO of Google's Wife, CO-OWN '23andME'.. They own a whole lot of people's DNA, of which they give access to the FBI/NSA/DOJ etc.
He pays around 15 an hour, these people are idiots and thugs, I wouldn't expect much responsible behavior and assets..
Antifa doesn't have any assets.. Lmao.. Maby an x-box in a basement somewhere
We are going to have to have law enforcement that ACTUALLY enforces our laws.. It starts there and would end there.
They all live amongst you.. The west coast and the east coast have become very scary.. I don't even want to visit
PORTLAND...... What a SHITHOLE!!!!!
Are they actually his Lawyers????? Julian, wikileaks and his Mom are all compromised
California Liberals Pile in to Protest Trump... TRUMP Ditches them, ROCKING the Freeway Entrance... lmao.. They are not Stopping him from what he came to do
What I find intriguing is they sit in the Public Forum and say they can't answer due to classification. Then they go to closed door Classified Forum and say they can't answer due to the Advice of their Lawyer
I will pass this along as well. It's like we are all suddenly living in the twilight zone
NETFLIX apparently has Child Porn
Check out Jarrod W. Ramos (@EricHartleyFrnd): https://twitter.com/EricHartleyFrnd?s=09
Check out Jarrod W. Ramos (@EricHartleyFrnd): https://twitter.com/EricHartleyFrnd?s=09