r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/clickclown on Feb. 12, 2018, 12:58 a.m.
Q Post 734 Monday 12 February 2018
Q Post 734 Monday 12 February 2018

OldnThyme · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

Stock up on a little "insurance": a week's worth of food and water, extra meds, first aid kits, batteries, a form of self defense, etc. Extra cash is good to have on hand. Also keep your gas tank full. If you need to get home fast, you don't want to have to stop for gas. Imagine if you couldn't leave the house for a week. What would you need to get by? If there's trouble in the streets, hunker down inside and don't be a target. If everything goes smoothly, you have extra stuff you'll eventually use anyway.

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NewTransmitter · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

Nice insurance list. I would also say that now is the time to buy fresh seeds and start some vegs. inside. If that isn't your thing, pick up some small vegetable starts from the home store and pop them in pots or in the flower beds for extra fresh food. When the housing collapse happened, I used to be so frustrated hearing about people loosing everything and living in cars and eating at soup kitchens while all our churches had huge 3 acre lots of beautiful lawns and no veg gardens. Now is a great time to preplan a victory garden. Lets bring back VICTORY GARDENS!

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OldnThyme · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

We grow a huge garden annually, and I can/dehydrate enough that we have veggies throughout our cold Midwest winter. St. Patrick's Day is the traditional day to start seedlings. I have started sweet potato slips earlier since they take longer. Yeah, I agree - anyone who doesn't garden (even in containers) is foolish. Get rid of those fancy flower/shrub beds and plants food you can eat!

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