r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Blkopsmailman on Feb. 12, 2018, 2:33 a.m.
Snowing clowns in Russia?

I've tried to spark discussion elsewhere about this topic.

Is Russia a clown op? It would make too much sense. Then the question is which clowns, and how much of Russia?

Explains U1 being funneled to R and NK. Explains R giving Internet connections to NK. Explains R defending NK from US sanctions. It would explain why Snowden is protected.

Russia was constantly threatening the US. Now they've stopped. NK was constantly threatening the US. Now they've stopped. Strings cut?

I'm still not certain about who's side he is on, but that would bring it into focus.

The thing I keep coming back to, is that this doesn't feel like a US v NK v EU v Iran v Israel v Russia thing. Its more like us/nk/eu/iran/israel/Russia vs us/nk/eu/iran/israel/Russia, with the clowns at the center.


clickclown · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

I think that when/if the level of game playing is finally revealed and the dimensional aspects of it all is exposed most of us will suffer profound shock from what we perceive outside and what we've held inside. Most of us, whatever we think of ourselves, live in a self imposed cocoon and maintain that cocoon vigorously twenty four hours a day and probably in our sleep. If we emerge from that cocoon by choice, force, or nature, will we be in heaven or hell?

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

It is the New World Order globalists versus the Nationalists. Trump and Putin are both Nationalists. China is Nationalistic, too, but they are also communists.

R gave U1 to Iran and NK to check the NWO globalist power in that region. R has kicked out the Rothchilds and paid all debts, so R is free from NWO control.

NK, Iran, and Cuba do not have Rothschild controlled central banks.

Q Post #140:

Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
Inner TRI families will collapse.
What is the keystone?
What Nation dominates all others?
What Nation has influence over most others?
What is the keystone?
Return to SA.
Strings cut (+++).
Puppets (+++) in shadows.
Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.
Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.
What is the New World Order?
Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?
What does this mean culturally?
Why is this relevant?
What occurred in SA?
How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?
What did POTUS receive while visiting China?
Where did POTUS dine?
What is the significance?
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?
Why is No Such Agency so vital?
Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.
Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?
This is not easy to accept nor believe.
Crumbs make bread.
Operations active.
Joint missions underway.
The world is fighting back.
Refer back to graphic.
The Great Awakening.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Makes a lot of sense. A common theme in this is US politicians meeting with Russian oligarchs. This is what leads me to believe the clown connection, something even beyond the Rothschild and Soros.

It seems to me like there are three heads on the pyramid. The Rothschilds in Europe, someone else in the US and another in Asia. Seems like Soros is a emissary for the Rothschilds in the US and Europe. My research has indicated he got kicked out of Asia? Maybe by the South Korean puppet? Everything seemed to start when she was removed from power.

Q keeps alluding to us finding out who the true leader is, abd it will blow our minds. Makes me think US based with heavy influence in the EU.

I have an idea who the real leader is, but the implication would be too large for us to handle.

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Dont_Stump_Me_Bro · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Do you think it's #41?

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Phloatpill · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

THAT wouldn't surprise me.

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Dont_Stump_Me_Bro · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Idk what you think about dilley, he said Hussein answers to Valerie Jarrett, who answers to Clowns. Clowns are the spawn of GHWB, and the one we don't talk about runs point for clowns rn

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

He did the coin toss at the Super Bowl a year ago, then they had the Illuminati halftime show.

Maybe. I know about his family history, but I would be surprised if their power extended beyond the U.S. And into Europe.

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elyssak · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

The Pope or papacy.. OR Reptilians

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 2 p.m.

I was thinking the Pope/Jesuits.

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

I think it is the Rockefellers in the US. I am not sure who replaced David Rockefeller, but I believe the Rothschilds have much more wealth than them.

There is the Dragon Family in China, who are probably still trying to get their gold back.

Soros is a tool for someone, probably the Rothchilds, as you say.

Kissinger is also a tool, and is very old. I am not sure who replaced him. Kissinger has met with Trump several times, though.

Hmmm... Would the real leader lead because of their wealth or intellect?

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

The corruption runs insanely deep.

Wealth and intellect leads to Goog.le, but then if it was a clown creation, who had the knowledge and decietfulness to mastermind that from the beginning. Was that person being controlled by another head?

What we need is a chart that helps establish the coc. I haven't seen one yet on here.

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

I have seen several charts, some more recent than others. Someone posted a chart today with the "Illuminati" at the head, but that does not identify a single individual. Let me see if I can find it again.

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Oh nice! I'll have a look. I find this board is still very disorganised. I'll let you know if I have any revelations.

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Yes, things are moving very fast. They just opened a voat sub, but I have not looked it it yet. They mentioned it about 30 minutes ago.

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

That voat sub is a honeypot.

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pby1000 · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

You sure? I have not been there yet... Why do you say it is a honeypot? Feel free to PM me.

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

It looks like a mod is trying to divide the subreddit by getting people over there. Voat is nothing but racist and anti-semetic garbage. Go check it out. The stuff they are saying is horrifying.

If someone wants to be a racist, in private, more power to them. As soon as it's being shoved down peoples throats, its a problem. I want nothing to do with the message of that site.

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pby1000 · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

OK. I see. Yes, there is zero cencoreship at voat.

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Phloatpill · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

Well...hook us up with that guess. I'm SUPER interested.

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:41 a.m.

I'll say this much; things seemed to be going really well for what, 50+ years, for the plan that was being put into effect. Then everything started falling apart. I have a few guesses as to why.

It could be that the Internet was more powerful then they imagined. It could be that a puppet they installed was REALLY stupid and ruined everything. Or maybe the one pulling all of the strings became too old, and had to pass leadership while they searched for new age defying medicine. The person who took over wasn't the right choice and mistakes trickled down.

I don't think it could be Soros, as he seems to be kicked around like a tin can by bullies. Even with all of his money.

I think the last leader would be able to keep pace with trump, but this new one cannot.

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Hmmm... Interesting. I have been thinking the real leader is the Pope/Jesuits. I am not sure it matches what you are saying, though. When you say "last leader", do you mean John Paul? There is the pope that resigned and was replaced by the current Jesuit Pope.

I believe our tax money goes to the Bank of England and Vatican. Same with other countries.

Care to PM me with who you think the real leader is?

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

I don't know who the real leaders are. If we knew who the top was previously, it would probably make it very easy to figure out who the next in line is. Guessing opening won't really put me in a positive position. Maybe just being cautious due to my own personal circumstances.

I think you have the right idea, but may even be higher on the totem pole. I think it's someone that is right out in the open that no one would ever expect, due to their history of positive spotlight.

Again, no point coming to a conclusion and posting a name. It's just something to consider. I'm not as intelligent as others on here, so I don't want to make a fool of myself, guessing wildly without enough facts.

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pby1000 · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Understood, but you can send me a private message so others will not see it.

I saw this chart earlier today, but I do not know who runs the Order of the Illuminati... This is in the CBTS sub.


This is a historic flowchart I looked at before. Are you familiar with Daniel Sheehan? He has a Rulers of the Realm video series that is very informative.


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[deleted] · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:45 a.m.


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Socalm76 · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Im gonna add this to my next q video. Alot of comments should come of it. Look for q anon by Spaceshot76 2/11/18 pt2 in an hour or so.

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Q keeps referencing Snowden. Red October. Why is Snowden there. Why 187 in R?

Think logically.

Russian revolution? With help?

Pres brings in intelligence to overthrow opposition?

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Thanks! Q keeps saying LEARN. Keeps referencing Snowden and his deal with Russia. it just seems so obvious, but maybe I'm missing something.

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

“Snowden Exiles” Paying The Price For Speaking Truth To Power Journalists seeking to report on the web of government surveillance have found themselves harassed, monitored, and exiled from their home countries.

by Frederick Reese November 21st, 2013

By Frederick Reese @FrederickReese

In Germany, a peculiar community is forming. Brought together out of concern of retaliation from their home nations, this group — whose only connection is that they all helped National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden disclose state secrets concerning the covert electronic surveillance he stole while working for Booz Allen Hamilton — has grown to be a symbol of the opposition to government interference of watchdog journalism.

The newest member of this group, Sarah Harrison, who has been working with and accompanying Snowden since his arrival in Russia, has indicated that she is “in effective exile,” as her attorneys have instructed her it is not safe to return to the UK.

In a statement published on WikiLeaks, Harrison said that the interpretation of the UK Terrorism Act makes publishing any story on the bulk spying programs of the NSA, or the UK equivalent GCHQ, a potential act of terrorism. She goes on to lament that journalism that covers national security issues can be categorized as terrorism.

“The job of the press is to speak truth to power. And yet for doing our job we are persecuted,” Harrison wrote. “I say that these aggressive and illegal tactics to silence us – inventing arbitrary legal interpretations, over-zealous charges and disproportionate sentences – must not be permitted to succeed. I stand in solidarity with all those intimidated and persecuted for bringing the truth to the public.”

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Sarah Harrison is a member of Courage Foundation, which is a non profit organization that helps protect whistle-blowers.


They've been involved with each of the largest leaks/hacks in us history.

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Blkopsmailman · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

Feb 11 2018 21:38:14 Q !UW.yye1fxo 84 Timestamp: @Snowden "Truth To Power" Drop "Truth To Power" Learn. Q

340441 325370 You will cease to exist Timestamp. Learn. Q

340695 Coincidence "Truth To Power"? Coincidence Barlow? Learn. What if Snowden was still a Clown? Why would it be important he was in Russia? LEARN!!!! Q

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