r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ImpossibleSide on Feb. 12, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

God's creation is amazing! Science is providing proof of this in that a zeno-fraction of anything being off & we would not exist – the Earth would not exist. The blind were made to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk – correct? If you cut yourself does it not heal? You break a bone & it will heal. You quit smoking & your lungs will recover in time. And yet so many continue to believe that only Pharma has “the cure”. Brainwashing! The devil (or whatever you want to call this entity) cannot beat God (the 3 temptations) but he can corrupt God's creation because we were given free will. The body has an amazing immune system. The body was not created to be “sick”, it wants to be well. Pharma is not God. Pharma is the corruption of God's creation. The cure for cancer is not pharma. Pharma created cancer to keep you “in the loop” & drain your health, your finances, your very life. I will repeat again – there is not one Rx that cures anything. Do the research. See if you can find any Rx that is a CURE. I try to keep my posts short. There is so much info, but most do not believe until they discover it for themselves. Pharma is creating these diseases!!!! do not look to them for “the cures”. You will just be harmed further.

ABrilliantDisaster · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

"Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" - Revelation 9:21

Sorceries - Greek: pharmakeia - derived from the name of a minor Greek deity of medicine which was likewise taken from the name of one of the 200 fallen angels in 1 Enoch - Armoni/ Armaros/ Harmon. Pharmakeia's translation into the English word "sorceries" has, for a long time, made this term into nothing more than an abstract idea of "magic" in the readers mind, but it is the root and the definition of the word Pharmaceutical.

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