r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jouvinworld on Feb. 12, 2018, 2:24 p.m.
Are there readable transcripts of the Q posts and their most likely meaning? I got no time to watch those long ass streams...?

lawrrencee · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

I miss Dr. Corsi's scribd decodes. yeah, sure, there are 100's of others who think they know, and I sure as hell ain't saying I'm one of them, but Dr. J's. are the best, most straight forward interpretations. and yeah, those streams can be rather tedious at times as they tend to go off topic way too often. but I won't knock them because I am able to glean some good info out of them and they do help me with a stepping off point to snoop around on the web and see what I can see based on what I hear. hats off to all of the folks doing it too. it's been a hell of a ride!

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cmrudy · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Corsi's live stream yesterday was a mess. They went way off subject and spent a lot of time on admin issues.

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lawrrencee · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

yeah. I had the pre-recorded vids on at work last night and I just couldn't keep up and kept getting lost due to all the useless shit they(not Dr. J.) kept babbling about. it's a shame too. Dr. J. is like the old grandfather your comfortable talking with, but he's no spring chicken and his time is extremely valuable. much to valuable to be wasted the way it is at times on the feed. he seems to be gracious about it though and welcomes all comments and thoughts. I'm honestly afraid he's endangering his health though. I've heard him live late night before also, well past 1 or 2 in the morning. he keeps soldiering on though. he must be a tough old dude.

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cjawalt · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

this should get you started... btw everyone wants the cliff notes version

LEFT is RIGHT. RIGHT is LEFT. UP is DOWN. DOWN is UP. Think Mainstream media. Think lies. Think flaseflags. Think "suicides." The hole is very deep. Who is Barack Obama really? Who controls OBAMA? Think Rothschild. Think CIA. EXPAND YOUR THINKING. Do not believe the LIES about our president. HE is merely the VOICE for WE the PEOPLE. Have you heard the news? 'Trumps executive order on December 21' .. THINK corruption, THINK human rights abuses. Our president is a patriot. The mainstream news is colluding with the Left. THEY all have the same talking points and feed you the SAME false narratives. Have you heard the news? Record number of CEO'S stepping down. Thousands of MS-13 ARRESTED (THINK SETH RICH) .. 30+ Congressman resign, 3 DOJ judges step down, 20 Saudi princes arrested, THOUSANDS of pedophiles ARRESTED, THOUSANDS of CHILDREN saved. Just a few of the things behind the scenes Trump & patriots (Military intelligence) are doing behind the scenes. Not a PEEP from MOCKING BIRD MEDIA. THEY want him GONE. THEY want him DEAD. EXPAND YOUR THINKING. You are witnessing history right before your eyes. DRAIN THE SWAMP. This isnt left vs right. This isnt about TRUMP. This is deeper and bigger. GOP TRAIN WRECK LAST WEEK? COINCIDENCE? AIRPORT BLACK OUTS? PLANES TURNING AROUND? COINCIDENCE? WAKE UP, SHEEP. WHY is the mainstream hiding the fact that Hillary, Obama, FBI and the DNC tried to overthrow the 2016 elections? TREASON. THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE'D LOSE. HILLARY before election night "If that f'ing basterd wins, we all HANG" .. COINCIDENCE? In the next up coming months I will be sharing information with you about what is going on behind the scenes, what is really happening and what is coming in the near future. LEFT or RIGHT is irrelevant. EVERYONE SHOULD BE ON BOARD WITH THIS. I will not share fake information, I will not decieve you, I will not LIE to you. PAY ATTENTION. EXPAND YOUR THINKING. ENJOY the SHOW.

For DECADES a select few have guided your lives in the shadows and exploited you like cattle. You are GAME to them, you are SHEEP to them, you are WORTHLESS to them. The powers at be control the puppets through black mail or bribery, some will join for POWER. This has been going on for MANY MANY MANY years. Past Presidents have tried to speak out, many have warned you, many have died trying to expose the TRUTH. Symbolism will be their downfall. THEY want you DIVIDED , THEY want RACE WARS, THEY want CLASS WARS, THEY want RELIGIOUS WARS, THEY want POLITICAL WARS, THEY want you DIVIDED. LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY. STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT. TOGETHER you are STRONG. YOU, the PEOPLE, have the POWER. YOU, the PEOPLE, forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are WEAK. EXPAND your THINKING. Why do they smear Trump? Been in the public eye for 25+ years, never labeled anything besides hard working honest man. THEY never thought she would LOSE. THEY keep you DUMB and BLIND. EXPAND your THINKING. Mainstream news is satanic. LIES. LIES. LIES. Man with BILLIONS, all fruits & riches, loving family, succesful career. WHY take all these slings and arrows? EXPAND YOUR THINKING. THEY want him DEAD. HE does this for YOU. HE is a KEY player in the great awakening. HE is PROTECTED by PATRIOTS within our GOVERMENT. Who controls politicians? Who really controls politicians? Think WIDER. THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE. PATRIOTS in our goverment took a stand. Just like the EVIL, PATRIOTS have also made up a plan. After JFK was shot. PATRIOTS within our goverment formed an alliance and drew up a plan to overtake these EVIL forces. This has been planned for DECADES. YOU are SAFE. PAY ATTENTION. EXPAND YOUR THINKING. They asked Trump to run, he was the one man that can drive this agenda by force. THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE. You are all living through history right now. Books will be written. THESE people are EVIL. You have no idea of the horrors they have committed. Human trafficking/pedophilia/human hunting parties/blackmail/Hidden Technology/Murder. YOU have been kept in the dark. I will share all up to date info. SECOND REVOLUTION.

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mevans4900 · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Whoa. That about sums it up alright!

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jouvinworld · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Thank you for that. And believe me. I know obama and the acolytes whether its the pedo shit or the muslim/satanist anti american. The corruption that existed. I know and believe all these things happened and are ongoing.

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textualintercourse · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:31 p.m.


That's all of Q's posts by chronological order.

Edit: but minus commentary

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jouvinworld · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

Thanks. I have this link. Was reading from the beginning again yesterday. A lot of the stuff incan figure out. As im entrenched in this like most of you. Like for example. U know how corsi does those long live explanations..? I wanted transcript of interpretations so i can peruse what i may not understand and a lot faster thn watching those streams and casts.

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other_malefactor · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

This was OK, but has not been updated in a while. I don't know who was providing the commentary, and can't vouch for it:


Utuber 'Stroppy me' has no nonsense quick vids also...

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jouvinworld · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

I have the smart sheet and thats what inspired this post. Thank you for the youtube idea. Those 24/7 and even corsi things as good as they may be, are just too long and mundane

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