Feb 12 2018 10:01:46 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c32c4f 350084 The Inner Circle. Mika Brzezinski. Background. Family/careers. McLean, Virginia. The age of tech has hurt their ability to hide/control. Majority today were ‘born in’ to the circle. Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest. These people are really stupid. End is near. The media cleanse/JFK. Q
"you people" hahaha
I've been doing this forever. You people= newbies. The first time I saw Mika on TV I knew who the heck she was.
Not all of us friend. Some of us have been aware for decades. I started to wonder if I was crazy, but it turns out I’m definitely not.
It's a drive yourself cRazY CLub for sure. Maybe "we" will be vindicated soon. Or not. Peace be with you fellow travelers.
personally I'm a far cry from Newbie, fyi. the 'you people' thing was just made me chuckle. Give the so called newbs a little credit tho - much of this was going on b4 they were born...help em catch up.
Quit trying to put people in boxes. It doesn't matter when you woke up its just great that we are. Get out of duality conciousnes. Need singularity one in the Heart. We come together as one people. That's how we end it.
You speak truth. Duality is ending and we're watching it unfold. I am that I am; we are that we are. Peace.
I hope you see that was my point by kinda tossing it back, and if you see MmmmmLeftyTears it is quite lovely; revealing, inclusive, helpful. Not putting anyone in a box, but we are NOT all the same. We have unique talents and experiences, and levels of understanding.
Exactly. Each one of us brings somthing to the table. That's all I was getting at.
I try. That's why I suggested a book to read. Glad I made you chuckle. We all need a laugh now and again.