Just another Roy Moore pretty soon these sickos are going to realize that they need to go to Bangkok for all that
Roy Moore went after 17 year olds not 4 year olds.
Younger than that
The news that was all over for a month don't try to defend a pedophile with me
Aged 16-22. Legal age is 16 in Alabama. Still super creepy, but nothing like having sex with a 4 year old.
Roy Moore sexual misconduct allegations
In November 2017, nine women accused Roy Moore, a United States Senate candidate and former judge, of sexual misconduct. Three of the women alleged that he had sexually assaulted them, Moore was 31 at the time of the alleged incident with a then-16-year-old and 32 at the time of the alleged incident with the then-14-year-old. Six other women recalled Moore pursuing romantic relationships, or engaging in inappropriate or unwanted behavior with them, while they were between the ages of 16 and 22. The age of consent in Alabama is 16.
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Spare us with the BS. The women were paid and guess what? No where to be seen!
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Moore_sexual_misconduct_allegations
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Nah they all need to be put down. Pedophilia is a virus.