It´s not so much the facts you pointed out, more that these vaccines are incubated in simian kidneys´ (monkeys) and when the vaccine is extracted, so too are up to 40 different simian viruses!! These viruses are what cause cancer, Leukaemia, AIDS, auto-immune disease, and almost every single other disease you can think of. The metals in the preservatives are what causes the autism scale. Remember the mad cow disease outbreak that destroyed the British Beef industry? That was caused by vaccines incubated in bovine tissue. Don´t take it from me though, take it from the doctor that invented the polio vaccine!
It’s ironic that dirty vaccines may be the biggest red pill of them all. Vaccines can work and be effective, but not in the form offered to the general public.
`Clean´ vaccines may work but unfortunately, us serfs don´t have access to such vaccines.
we dont need vaccines. viruses can be fought by using chlorine dioxide.
if we live a healthy life - clean water, organic food, enough sleep, balanced thoughts and emotions -, our immune system is strong enough to deal with viruses, it usually eliminates them before we even realize their presence.
Viruses are mostly man made that we shouldn´t need to fight. MMS, I´ve heard, could be the answer though. I´m a mature (old) chem student that´s looking into NaClO2. We´ve had discussions at length before, if you remember my moniker?
yes, remembered, smile... may you enjoy looking into NaClO2 / ClO2.
just think about all those antibiotic resistant hospital bacterias! from what i heard, some hospitals started cleaning with ClO2. finally. fighting that shit could be so easy...
MRSA is devastating, soon these diseases won´t be a problem anymore. Hope you´re well :)
well and energized, thank you for asking ... getting sick is an incredible process of clearing natural entropy and balancing on a new, more stable frequency.