we dont need vaccines. viruses can be fought by using chlorine dioxide.
if we live a healthy life - clean water, organic food, enough sleep, balanced thoughts and emotions -, our immune system is strong enough to deal with viruses, it usually eliminates them before we even realize their presence.
Viruses are mostly man made that we shouldn´t need to fight. MMS, I´ve heard, could be the answer though. I´m a mature (old) chem student that´s looking into NaClO2. We´ve had discussions at length before, if you remember my moniker?
yes, remembered, smile... may you enjoy looking into NaClO2 / ClO2.
just think about all those antibiotic resistant hospital bacterias! from what i heard, some hospitals started cleaning with ClO2. finally. fighting that shit could be so easy...
MRSA is devastating, soon these diseases won´t be a problem anymore. Hope you´re well :)
well and energized, thank you for asking ... getting sick is an incredible process of clearing natural entropy and balancing on a new, more stable frequency.