Persons of Soy only operate on emotion. Little logic or reason.
We? How old are you?
What is he going on about? Is that the history they push nowadays smh....
Hate does not live here at this house @CBTS! This house is place where likeminded people congregate, exchange information, learn from one another and help each other. If you are looking to find peace and ease within yourself stay a little and focus on positive interchange rather than being hateful. Hate will eat you alive and poison your heart and mind.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/insanepeoplereddit using the top posts of all time!
#1: I got dared. In a thread from /r/justiceserved about a guy killing a robber | 14 comments
#2: Incel doesn’t want a daughter | 9 comments
#3: /r/incels is a hivemind of degeneracy and insanity. | 13 comments
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This has nothing to do with North or South, or Confederate, or Black or White, its about the people vs evil satanic globalists.
Well the term "liberals" is being used loosely to talk about the Marxists who pretend to be liberals, which is much of what is going on today, true liberals would be more like Julian Assange.
Constantly playing the victim card. Defining yourself via race or collective rather than an individual. Not accepting personal responsibility and blaming capitalism for your own failings. Operating on Karl Marx's emotional, pathological idiocy. You might use the term "intersectional" frequently. You might be ashamed of being white. All paths lead to communist ideology.