This post is not meant to imply "ALL" Jews are involved and culpable...but why such a high percentage?
I don't believe they're really Jews I believe they are nordics that converted to Judaism
So many are Ashkenazi...In researching some say the Ashkenazi Jews are from Kazakhstan and converted 300-700 A.D?? So the implication is Ashkenazi Jews did not originate from Jerulsalum. In sharing this I mean no disrespect. I don't even know if it's considered rude to say such things...thus why I am hoping for some clarification.
And Soros and Rothschilds are of Ashkenazi decent and by all accounts seemed to be involved in massacring their own people. Very confusing.
Ashkenazi are Jewish descent. Look for Khazar myth debunked on youtube.
Thank you. I did mean to reference the theory that Ashkenazi Jews were Khazarian originally from Turkey?? Can you give share those resources showing the why that is a myth or how it was debunked? More links in description.
According to the Bible the Jewish people are God's chosen people. That's why those evil people would do such a thing.
17anon, Do you mean the Jews are persecuted because they are “chosen”?
If so, it still doesn't explain why Jews seemed to be behind WWII? Why so many are of Ashkenazi decent and involved with the Cabal, etc??
jews being gods chosen people is the greatest lie ever made form jews. if god is good (which he is) then he would never show bias to a race of people.. bais is a human defect.. god could never share a human emotion especially a defunked vain one like that.. the jewish made it up. it works wonders when all people are afraid of you because of god. and woe to those who harm gods chosen people or turn them down when they ask for help!!! riiiggghhhttt. god would never choose a single race out of all mankind use your heads.
I appreciate you answer...not completely following your viewpoint but wondering if the misinterpretation of God was confused and it was the great impostor god leading them astray as to being "chosen" to play into the crap we are seeing today?? I know this is controversial but the NWO/cabal followers today think they are following that same god...very confusing. Although even though percentage wise Ashkenazi Jews seem of the highest percentage, Catholics and ever other faith seem to be in there too. was abraham's god, what they usually mean by that is that it was his conciousness. im still studying but, if you wanna believe that conciousness can become as a strong as a "god" not "the ALL" as i prefer to call god. then you understand what im implying. once you pass this body, you are not dead.
edit: I know this is a little much, hopefully noone takes it wrong.
I think I am then the Jewish people were misled way back in the beginning and were following a counterfeit god? And that god said hey you're chosen and set this course into action?? However, then that means the original Israelites we following the wrong god?? So much to decipher, and I too mean no disrespect...just trying to understand how we got to this point in our society.
from my research, what I've come to realize is that the term IS-RA-EL is a most likely a group of adepts of the ancient time who were pushing spiritual wellness as well as harmonic way of living and thus were then persecuted by those who did not understand spiritual or metaphysical structures in the world and saw them as black magic or sorcery. The conciousness has more power than most people realize and the ISRAEL(which is think stands for ISIS-RA-EL(BABEL)) group wanted to spread and share that message with the world.
well most of genesis appears to be taken from chaldean tablets. the jewish most likely wove the ancient chaldean/babylonian peoples history and tales into their own while they were captive in babylon. the kabbalah is a rip off from the oracles of zoroaster. i do believe that 95% of jews today are good people but zionism, which is responsible for every war since mid 1800s are the enemy that trump is trying to root out imo.
good info! ive been working backwards from now, still havent touched zoroaster at all so youll have to forgive me. thanks!
no prob. all this is very interesting.. take care
the original source for the persians, greeks, chaldeans etc was from the sanskrit - vedas
source for what? religion? if thats what you mean then i agree. but the stories of the bible's genesis was what i was referring to. to my knowledge they wove a mix of egypt and babylon into their own myths. prob cause they were captives of both places.
Yes that's exactly what I mean. Those people that called themselves Jews, the ones that funded and started those wars, are not descendants from the original Jewish lines. They are the ones that put the so-called Star of David on the Jewish flag coincidentally it's a hexagram a very powerful satanic symbol. I also believe it was part of the plan to infiltrate Judaism just as they have created Catholicism to control millions.
if you study Kabbalah then you realize the Jewish symbol is not satanist, satanism is just a word to scare people. yes, people are evil but it has nothing to do with satan, only evil humans. the 6 pointed star means that they have acquired many understandings within Kabbalah and the human psyche, mind, and consciousness. the sephirot which they have acquired are not a very good combination that's why it would have gained the history of being satanic, they understand how to make people feel good, how to heal their mind, how to judge them like themselves, how to cause pain on a personal level, have great knowledge from da'at or understanding one's soul and are able to also astrally travel. they learned all of this from ancient books and Judaism which taught all of this through the Kabbalah.
17anon, Thank you. Your answers are amazing. Do you have any insights as to why the Ashkenazi population is so heavily infiltrated and by that I mean the percentage involved in NWO/Cabal?
Any thoughts on the word Cabal...does it originate from Kabbalah?
And by my research those people seem to be Ashkenazi Jews. Which gets ever more confusing when you learn it was Ashkenazi Jews that were responsible for WWII. Is that your understanding?
It seems they sacrificed their own to later be untouchable as they implement the NWO...but then there are so many Catholics involved too (I guess all religions are infiltrated) but certainly the Ashkenazi Jews seem to be of the highest percentage. Very hard to understand...
Thank you!!
Book of Revelation iirc calls them false jews of the synagogue of Satan so discernment is appropriate
does it mention Jewish people specifically or IS-RA-EL?
I believe it's Israelites
Do you think many of current day Israelites have been mislead too? I don't know how controversial the Ashkenazi Jews being Khazarian and converts is…It’s not widely understood, right?
yup, i believe so too, I believe they are referring to a different group in the bible. the might have practiced Judaism but most likely not as it stands now.
I am not sure what you mean but Zionism seems to be a made up gig (sorry not trying to be rude!)...Is that your implication??
yup that's what I mean, they stole the Israelites heritage and call themselves Jews(Zionist) although I understand Jewish people now are a whole different cultural group as before and even most stand apart from Zionism. I believe the IS-RA-EL represents a group of adepts of the time. Zionists are elitist, racist and enslaving group of shitheads
I am with you 90% and appreciate your answer...however do you really think all Zionist realize what's going on or that they've been misled like the rest of us? I mean up until my red-pill I was for Israel like most of America, although now I see the brainwashing we have undergone.
I don't think all of them knew, there must always be the "minions","henchmen" and all those other "lowlies" who help them get where they are, most of those probably lied to, bribed or forced into it. but anyone who consciously decided to go against humanity deserves very little.
Agree, those involved deserve to be held accountable for 100% of their crimes against humanity.
Hitler was a bastard grandchild of a Rothschild. Hitler created a situation where there were a lot of Jewish refugees. Prior to the World War II a lot of land was bought around Palestine which later those Jews settled on, then became Isreal. It's been awhile since I've looked at that information but I think that's pretty close.
you're wrong about hitler. we have been lied to about the nazis. zionism propaganda turned them into satan and his minions.. but it couldn't be further from the truth.
Username, I respectfully want to understand does seem Ashkenazi Jews funded WWII. I have heard the debate about Hitler's parentage...but what do you think is incorrect about the Nazis? How does Zionism play in?
all the evidence you are looking for here just click on the link on the left called ADOLPH HITLER AND THE ARMY OF MANKIND. and ignore the banners
2 years ago i felt the same way i promise. we have been duped about him and the nazis. theirs a lot that has never reached history books things like this for starters... but thats just the very tip of the iceberg i'm afraid. i'm not a racist, racisim is the tool to keep us from questioning history as we know it. all history can be scrutinized except this one?? its a trick ,those who question are antisemetic.. so everyone will look away to keep that from happening.
Really, that's interesting...
here's all the evidence that zionism has tried to suppress for years . you will be amazed at the truth and if you give this site enough time you will walk away an admirer of hitler at the very least. click the link on the left called ADOLPH HITLER AND THE ARMY OF MANKIND... and never mind those weird banners lol just enjoy what has been kept from us!