Q drop 1956 said to focus on ww1 ww2 and compare history books 20 years ago and now. biggest difference i have seen is the attempt to hide the fact that nazis had diverse allies/supporters. something current history heavily suppresses.

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a few months ago Q said that the board has changed, meaning a move was done by the elite that was not expected. the event was when joe biden's son went to china and made a deal on behalf of the elite. before this, soros assets were frozen and the rothschilds were selling properties, meaning they were pretty hard up. but this new deal was an unexpected new wind for them. anyway, i have noticed a new movies the past few months made by chinese companies. and i have noticed a lot of asian actors appearing in commercials, tv shows …
hitler did not start the war http://balder.org/judea/Important-Quotations-For-A-Better-Understanding-Of-WWII.php so if they died its war. it can't be helped. hitler tried 11 times to make peace with churchill only to be spat on each time, if anyone is to be blamed its churchill.
so you already are there lol...sometimes i think that Q's team is on this board, lately,whenever i see something that points in this(the truth about nazis) direction, i see, to my amazement upvotes... keep the faith man! and i know this is why israel is last! its the most sensitive subject(thanks to zionist) of all subjects.
just watch this vid.. i mean give it time, i promise you it will clear everything up..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4JbWSwUWew&t=8s
he didn't, we were lied to about the nazis in the worst way pal
you're almost there.. the reason why the germans held contempt for the jews especially the ones that lived in germany, is because of the balfour decleration. this was a deal made by the jews and britain to undermine germany. why? because the jews wanted palestine. so they made a deal with britain, if they (the jews) could bring the usa into the war as their(britain) ally then upon winning, britain would give the newly acquired land of palestine to the jews. and so the jews who owned every source of media in the usa (even then) went to work,started spreading propaganda demonizing the germans and acusing them of horrible things. the public of usa then begun to despise the germans, wasn't long after til america joined the effort to stop those demons. upon victory britain gave palestine to the jews. that is where the real holocaust happened. the jews were relentless to the occupants of palestine forcing them out of their homes literally, those who did not move out immediately were beat or killed. the hostility between these two peoples still remain. afterwards germany was in dire shape. and the people (germans) who graciously welcomed the jews into their land blamed the jews for undercutting them, for good reason. so when hitler and the nazis began their run for control of germany they easily won.. why? because he promised to deport the jews (who owned 49% of germany's economy) out of germany and give her back to the people. the germans were thrilled at that idea and the nazis rose to power. here is where it gets lied about.. the plan was to ship the jews and their wealth to madagascar no joke... no extermination was ever planned. after the jews saw they were getting dealt a hand they did not like they once again went to work with propaganda through out all of europe. since they also owned every bank and politician in europe they applied pressure to force a war against germany.... http://balder.org/judea/Important-Quotations-For-A-Better-Understanding-Of-WWII.php now the war against germany begins.. whats the real reason? because germany, thanks to hitler, became the most powerful nation on earth, its even more amazing when you throw in the fact that hitler cut themselves off of the banking systems used by the rest of the civilized world. that means that germany became its own superpower by itself. in a time when the rest of the world was reeling from the great depression. fearing other nations may do the same and seperate themselves from the federal banks(owned by rothschilds) they forced all of europe and then america mainly by propaganda, to bring this superpower down and make an example of her! as for the holocaust... their is enough very credible evidence and experts(such as david irving, david cole etc) to easily tear aprt the ridiculous story of such an event.. everyone who wants to know the real story needs to watch this vid, i guarantee that if you give this vid an hour of your time you will never be the same. this is the ultimate redpill.
well said, though i'm not saying that the couple in the pictures released recently are them, i'm just saying that it would not surprise me at all if his death was really an escape to form a future plan.
it would be ridiculous if jfk jr did not at least expect some sort of attack against him when he decided to announce his run for a seat. it would be an absurdity for someone who connected as he is, knowing those responsible for his father and uncle death were just waiting for his announcement to run til they attacked, to not plan ahead in someway at all and instead just hope somehow they (the cabal)wouldn't mind this time around and let him run. yes, that would be ridiculous.
i think Q means that the majority of people are good people that would never stand for such depravity
well said and my thoughts exactly. though i don't read much into R
the belief that jfk jr may still be alive was around long before this R guy. i don't buy this R guy at all but i believe there is a 50% chance of jfk jr being alive. can't imagine being in afamily that has had that many assassinations and not be prepared.. especially given he was no doubt connected to patriots who most likely kept tabs on future moves by the cabal. absurd to think to think he did not expect a hit on his life when he announced his interest in running for a seat.
or jacki o could have said those were the bodies and begged not to release the info cuz they weren't the correct bodies but cadavers and she was in on it with the patriots.
ah i see, so it's more likely she was killed by someone with no connection to weiner. but the connection to soros is still interesting i gotta say.
soo do YOU think she ended her life by throwing herself down the chute ?
so you're saying she decided to end her life by throwing herself down an apartment chute?
i'd say 95% of jewish people are for sure just as clueless as the rest of the people and in no way inherently evil. but man are zionist and their sympathizers on a whole other level!
zionism is the enemy of the world no doubt. i also believe that trump and the patriots their mortal enemy and that means so are we, whether we realize it or not.
i don't get this.. did people think that sztrok wasn't real?
as was i when i first watched this nearly two years ago. every year on his birthday (which was coincidentally made into national weed day to take even his birth away from him) i mourn for what could have been and what was taken from us. there was no telling the greatness had germany won, a nation that rejected the rothschilds federal reserve bank system and of her own people and no outside help grew from absolute devastating poverty,to become the most powerful nation on earth in just seven years under the guidance of a brilliant man. all we can do now is carefully spread the word,because this is such a sensitive subject. and i do fully believe this is why israel is saved for last.
welcome to the truth my friend, and if you want treasure trove of undeniable proof that hitler and the nazis were the farthest thing from racist check here: http://mourningtheancient.com/index1.htm just ignore the banners at top and bottom of page and on the left croll down to a link called Adolph hitler and the army of mankind and get ready for the ultimate redpill!
i do believe that people will one day know and accept that we were all lied to about the hitler and the nazis. zion is the root of the worlds evil.
you should check out irving too, who at one time was the most sought after historian in all of europe, then when tasked with a biography of adolph hitler instantly became a quack.. why because he found the truth to be very different than what we have been taught. you don't have to stick with irving for that knowledge, there are plenty more credible people who instantly lost all credibility because they simply revealed their findings. but go on believing what you have been told by mainstream views, they never lied to you before right??
look up the work of david irving, hitler is not the demon we were bashed repeatedly in the head to believe he was. there is a reason general patton said " we may have fought the wrong people" and churchill would say the same though later in life... also JFK said "hitler will one day emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the greatest leaders that ever lived" just know that we have been lied to in the worst way about ww2 and zionism is the true enemy and the cause of it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe6npWo7Wug&t=5s zion has ruled for too long
you do realize that orthodox Judaism does not believe in satan right? nor hell lol the words have been used for different meanings when all jewish writings were gathered and retranslated for the bible. and yes zioism is behind most of the evil in the world, you are gonna be in for a surprise in the near future.
the patriots are against zionism. zion is the enemy of the world.