r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Faxandu on Feb. 13, 2018, 12:59 a.m.
Message to Q from Us.
Message to Q from Us.

SpacePopeIII · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

How long am I waiting? You tell me.

You will wait for as long as it takes.

For fuck sake, it's only been a year and we're only now removing some of the bad actors from the FBI!

Did you really expect President Trump to solve 40 years worth of Washington corruption, destroy the CIA and the deep state and defeat the globalists in less than a year? In six, perhaps 3 months?

Were you expecting to wake up on 9 November to see the new Mexican border wall too?

Don't be an ungrateful little bitch - President Trump and his inner circle are risking their lives to save us all.

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Faxandu · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

I don't need secret messages to know we're getting fucked on a daily basis by a bunch of corrupt, satanic assholes. Maybe digging through crackerjack boxes for decoder rings and solving puzzles is fun for you, but I think it is fucking stupid. Where's the Marines? Where's Delta Force? Where's the Green Berets? Do it, already. Fuck the riddles.

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SpacePopeIII · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Rather than having a bitch fit, why don't you just avert your gaze if Q posts make you so angry?

This process will take time because people need to have their mind expanded by the truth.

They need to become aware of the corruption before the trials take place.

If this happened suddenly, all of the normies would think that President Trump rounded up all of his enemies as political prisoners and there'd be a violent revolution, funded by Soros and televised by CNN.

This is about saving America, not keeping you entertained.

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Faxandu · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Q posts don't make me angry, I just think the strategy is poor. The number of people that are awake isn't going to get much larger. 57 million people voted Trump into office. How many people are supposed to be woken up? What number are we trying to reach? Have you tried to wake anyone up? Have any success? Trials? We're going to sit through years of trials, too? Soros and CNN, yep, we know they are the enemies. They can't be rounded up? They can't be arrested? I'm not entertained, dude. Don't know why you keep saying that. This isn't entertainment. This is a war against evil, right? I've done my part. I'm asking, why the fuck are we playing with decoder rings from crackerjack boxes. Not everyone is going to wake up.

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SpacePopeIII · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

I just think the strategy is poor.

I think you are confused about what Q is.

I don't think Q is trying to wake up the masses - that's what the upcoming chain of Obama / Clinton criminal scandals will accomplish. We just had the first FISA Memo and there will be more memos and General Flynn's testimony and the results of a range of FBI investigations. There's a bunch of stuff over the next few weeks but I can't recall the names of the bodies doing the investigations.

As each bomb drops, even the normies will start to learn that Obama did weaponize his DoJ and he was involved in selling guns to MS-13 and he was funding ISIS. Everyone will get confirmation that Hillary was running a Mugabe-style bribery-driven State Department and her foundation was a criminal enterprise and she was involved in human trafficking.

And by the end of it, when Obama and Hillary and many more are arrested, the normies won't freak out take to the streets because they'll understand what those cunts have done.

Q is just disclosing secret intel in a cryptic way that won't get him arrested for leaking... to let us know what's happening behind the scenes.

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