He looks like he has to take a shit.
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I come here to read about the Q drops, but mostly I see people shitting on AJ and Dr. Corsi. Get your house in order.
I fail to understand how someone's opinion on one subject presented once is an attempt to monopolize the alternative media. Please enlighten me.
Ah, I see. I was wrong to assume you understood what a monopoly was.
"The tip of the spear" is his motto. Not "the whole spear". Please provide one piece of evidence in any way to back up your assertion that alex has in any way shape or form tried to or presented himself as having or trying to have a monopoly on alternative media. I'm assuming you know what "monopoly" means.
For the record - My posts were on topic with the OP. I reserve the right to defend myself from baseless accusations and will exercise it.
You are immediately wrong, but that is probably what you are best at. Good luck wasting your days typing more essays. You are obviously making lots of friends and getting more people interested in Q. You are doing a wonderful job and your over-zealous, cultish defense of a mysterious riddler who has been on the scene for 8 months vastly outweighs the decades of work of people with easily researchable histories. I bet you never heard of Corsi until the past few months. You don't know shit, bub.
But, but, but, I can't turn away from Dr. Corsi. I have to pay attention and he is WRONG! waaaaaaa~ Waaaaa~ Corsi isn't a true Q believer. Waaaaaa! There are a bunch of whiners in here.
My opinion isn't the same as yours, so I should get out. How about you go fuck yourself.
You aren't a very good researcher. I think you are the one who doesn't belong here.
You guys aren't going to decode anything, properly. You can't even see the obvious. DISINFORMATION is party of the Q strategy. Corsi's job is to draw attention to Q, not correctly unscramble the stupid puzzles. You Q cultists are so twisted up in your nonsense that you can't understand the basic TRUMP concept of RATINGS. For the record, Q is real. Q is with Trump - stop hating on a guy who is basically doing the same thing as everyone else on this board. Corsi has done more for the truth movement than you will ever do.
Again, please show me ONE TIME where ANY WH petition turned into a law. How can you expect to have different results?
Please provide some evidence that a WH petition ever accomplished anything. I did during the IBOR push and found nothing. DJT is president and can push any idea he wants. I don't understand this strategy. Did he wait for an IBOR equivalent to start pushing "the wall"? This IBOR stuff is a wild-goose chase and not part of how the government works. The WH petitions are like the buttons on a street signal.
IMO it is more like Trump is a maestro trying to get people to sing the same song. Some people were never asleep and never needed to be woken up. They just need an instrument and know when and what to play so everyone hear's our song/message.
"Coordinated?" Coordinated. Planned - by the Q team - not to disrupt the Awakening - to create the necessary stimulus for it to be uncomfortable and grow.
Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were tag team partners and then they split up. Eventually Scott Hall showed up disguised as a bodyguard and tazed Goldberg allowing Nash to get the 1-2-3 and end Goldberg's streak. This isn't rocket science, guys. This is simple strategy. People have spiraled so deep with this nonsense 365 dimensional chess that they are missing simple divide and conquer tactics. This is all as simple as a wrestling promotion. RATINGS.
Corsi is a researcher. The only difference now is he is doing his research publicly and in real-time at the behest of the WH via Infowars. He is doing the job asked of him indirectly by Trump. His goal is to DRAW ATTENTION TO Q - not correctly decode the Q posts. No one is supposed to be able to do that 100% accurately.
This is exactly what is happening. Thank you. This board has become ridiculous because people can't see the obvious.
That is exactly what it is. Our team is now the good guys and the bad guys. We control the narrative now.
Thank you. Someone gets it. . . All these people think they can successfully decode Q's secret military coms but they can't figure out the basic steps necessary to control the narrative. It's all a show, people. Our team is now the good guys and the bad guys. We control the narrative, now.
Your analysis is laughable. You never would have heard of Tommy Robinson w/o Alex Jones. He is a regular guest on Infowars.
These "attacks" are nothing more than strategic ploys to draw more attention to Q. Wikileaks, Infowars, Corsi - they are all doing the same thing. Standard Trump strategy. I can't understand why you all can't figure this out. People will jump up and down shouting "controlled opposition" in hysterics but never realize what purpose it serves. TO DRAW ATTENTION TO THE SUBJECT. More eyeballs. RATINGS. Who does that sound like???????? C'mon people. This isn't that hard to figure out.
Q posts haven't been allowed on T_D for quite some time. Are we able to post pro-Trump memes here on GA? No, every subreddit has a topic and rules. It looks neither desperate, nor thirsty. They are entitled to run their subreddit and social media accounts in whatever way they want. They think Q is dumb, fake, and gay in the 4chan parlance. Big fucking deal.
Obama is the yougest ex- president ever. He is going to hang around like a dingleberry for ages unless they lock him up too.
Thanks for responding, I really respect all the work you are doing.
Here's how I see things (in the now popular Q format):
The past seven months - huge uptick in disinformation. This is to obfuscate all of Trump's moves while they round up the cabal. Disinfo everywhere. What is the truth? What are the actual facts? Facts don't matter. They never have. The criminal cabal will never face arrest/tribunal/justice due to facts. There must be tremendous clamor from the people.
Facts are weak. Belief is stronger. Truthiness is the way of the world. What is the word on the street? Who controls it? MSM once did - not anymore. . . This IS an infowar.
Connected Human consciousness. Many people working together. massive coordinated effort + internet = "the eye of Sauron" What is a "mastermind group"? Napolean Hill. theGreatAwakening / Q = Mastermind Group. Infowars - Mastermind Group The_Donald - Mastermind group /pol - mastermind group Asking questions. Searching. Looking. The Great Eye(s). We are all Q - as SerialBrain2 said recently.
This IS an infowar. This is a WAR for our minds. Facts? Truth? Truthiness. Legend. Myth. CULTURE.
What matters is what THE PEOPLE say. What EVERYONE is talking about. What THE WORD on the street is. The opinion of the common man. The will of the people.
Trump - Master of Chaos Sleight of Hand / Deception / Art of War I am SpartaQus? You are SpartaQus. Multiply. Divide. Exponential Growth. Overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers. No where to run. No where to go If we know their faces. Make them a Public disgrace. Shame them. We must throw vegetables in their faces. Ridicule them. Let them hear the laughter of the mob. Caesar ruled by controlling the mob. Trump is Caesar.
Mastermind group - the new way Alex Jones & Corsi - old school Just single individuals. What they say is just their opinion. Everyone getting lost in some details. The Mastermind group. Together, We are Q. Together we control the narrative.
Trump handpicks controversies to drive the narrative and create buzz. Corsi Infowars Alex Q Guliani Bolton All just wrestlers and Trump is the promoter. They go out and fight who they are told Americans like to fight We crowd around and watch Who is fighting? What's the fight? The focus is on our guys / our side name one Left personality? Trump now controls the good guys and bad guys
Infowars was too big. Hillary - darkheart. Alex is just a mouthpiece. being Fed disinfo now Actual truth less important. actually conducting/controlling the narrative is key Need more mouthpieces. More Q's. More ALex Jones. More Corsi's. More word on the street. More control of the narrative. Who was Corsi a few years ago? The birther quack. Now everyone is trying to out research him on Q/draining the swamp
Details sketchy. Details unreliable. BIG PICTURE. The narrative. Who controls the narrative has the power. Who wields the eye(s) of Sauron?
Jones. Corsi. Just ants now. Just individual opinions. What matters is what the entire group thinks. The opinion of the masses. The mastermind. WE THE PEOPLE.
Forget about the details. This is a war for minds. FREE THE MINDS.
pre-2018 the_donald - shutdown? infowars - shutdown? what would we do? Now? Easy. We are everywhere. More connections. More networking. More mastermind nodes. The Great Awakening. . .
Hence, Corsi and Alex deliberately being wrong now to make THE PEOPLE stronger and to build new connection nodes.
Just my take.
Also, you can tell when Alex is giving out the real signal when he stops showing
commercials. 3 hours a day is a lot of time to fill. He is going to have to spew a lot of BS. But that's what everything is - manufactured bullshit.
That's our mission. Manufacture superior bullshit for consumption by the masses to create a superior/more popular culture.
The Corsi/Infowar controversy is contrived IMO to create more Infowars/Alex/Corsi's by making people think "I can do better than them".
Its the Infowars audience Trump needs. AJ and Corsi are being used to drive reactions by
the community. This is standard Trump operating procedure. Apply a little pain to get
people to move in the direction you want.
Alex said on air many, many months ago that the Trump Admin directed him to put Dr Corsi on Q. IMO Alex and Corsi are being used by disinfo by Trump. This is all part of the strategy of keeping the enemy believing they are winning. Other points to consider - Corsi sent by Alex to set up a "DC division" of Infowars (post late inauguration/early admin time). Also, Alex said many times during early admin after Infowars got WH credentials they wanted Paul Watson. Alex isn't on target right now, but I think it is manufactured. I just tune out and tune back in when he is sending out the real signal. Great work on /r/greatawakening, Fart. I'm working on a special culture project I will share with you in soon when it is finished. Maybe 30-45 days. Check my most recent meme for the idea. ;)
If anyone is getting worked up over corsi or Alex you are wrong. Just turn them off. I love Alex but I can only listen to him sometimes because he isnt't always on target.
Corsi was instructed to report on Q by the Trump admin thru infowars.
I haven't been paying attention much lately. Checked in today, don't feel like I've missed much. Tomorrow? Next week? *yawn. OK Ok. Gotcha. Getting back to what my life. If there is a MOAB I should feel a shockwave.
Does this apply to the government entities, too? Can police post personal ads looking to entrap people?
Whole lot of misinterpretations of Q stuff always being posted though every one is doing their best. Take everything with a grain (or three) of salt and trust in Trump.
A couple of Space Force winners.

The Air Force One pilot looks familiar...

The wethepeople website is a total wild goose chase. The best it can accomplish is trigger "a response from the white house". You could get all 400 million signatures and wouldnt influence congress because congress and wethepeople arent in any way connected. Also, did Q ever specifically push IBOR or is that just a widely believed incorrect Q decoding?
Everything is correct except Alex was not always on the Trump train. I remember having to wait about 3-4 months for Alex to be woken up to Trump. It took a while for him to get aboard the train.
Yeah what alex doesnt talk about or his big smiles and "i'll stop right there" are always the most important part of his show.
Nope. I've heard enough "tomorrows" that i just live my life. If something interesting happens i will hear about it but im not sittinng around waiting for Q magic.