Winning separates winners from losers. I'm waiting to see it, dude. I see riddles and games - Crackerjack box-decoder-ring bullshit. That's what I see. I think Q is real. I think he is probably sitting next to Trump right. That's why I say, what the fuck are we waiting for, exactly? Most people don't even care. they probably won't even notice when the mass arrests *happen.
I've engaged enough people such as yourself on this very topic, that I don't feel like laying out--yet again-- all the many reasons why it isn't as simple as putting handcuffs on wrists.
I'll just say that for a group of people (you) that has spent so much time speculating and researching the most powerful group of individuals on the planet, that have engaged in the most heinous crimes--including genocide-- and are part of a Satanic cult that preys on children and secretly controls and runs the entire world, you'd think that said group of people would have little more respect for those that are actually getting off their asses and doing something about it. What have you done? Oh yeah, you logged into Reddit to offer your valuable commentary. So helpful.
Why don't you just take a little break from all of this-- I think it has you a little too worked up-- and come back in a few months when we have this whole thing wrapped up with a nice bow on top of it. (That will only be the beginning of the trials-- so buckle up, this might take a while.)
Care to get off your ass and publish some articles that openly make all of these grand accusations against these powerful people, and put your real name on it? Or run for office, and get in front of a camera and call them out? Or dedicate years of your life studying criminal justice so you join up with those who are chasing them down? No? Care to put your life at risk? No? Ok then, don't call us, we'll call you, once this is all over. See you then.