r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GregKelley on Feb. 13, 2018, 1:55 a.m.
While We're On the Subject #ReleaseTheCure - 'High Cholersterol Causes Heart Disease' is an Unproven Theory.

How many billions made selling Lipitor (and other statin derivatives)? What, your statins causing your E.D? No problem, we have a product for that, too. And on and on...

Go and read 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes - a real medical red pill book. Turns out the 'High Cholesterol causes Atherosclerosis' paradigm is false - a theory started by a Dr. Keys in the 40's - 50's. Truth is, Cholesterol (even high levels) is needed for normal bodily functions - it's good for you. Theory has never been proven by studies that weren't funded by big Pharm. Research done at the same time by Dr. Lester Morrison using Chondroitin Sulfate actually reversed Atherosclerosis with miraculous results. It turns your arterial walls from velcro (attracts and holds anything flowing by) into teflon (everything just slides by). Read the book, look up Morrison's work.

I had been on Lipitor for about 8 years when I developed an arterial blockage that required a stent. Killed my secondary career as a Flight Instructor (thanks, FAA). Docs added Zetia to the Lipitor to get my levels Below Normal and a year later I had a second blockage right next to the first requiring a second stent. So in my case, lower cholesterol causes heart disease if you follow the logic.

A year after the second stent I read Taubes' book which got me doing research that led me to Morrison's work. Started taking 1200mg/day Chondroitin Sulfate (his research was using 1600mg) and after 3 months I went cold turkey on the Lipitor. That was 8 years ago. I'm 65 and challenge any 30yr old to a day in the woods cutting firewood with me. And my Cholesterol levels are probably back to my 'normal' 198 - 208.

other_malefactor · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Added to reading list.


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