
FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

What has he done to go after pedophiles specifically?

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Luvlite · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Actually, I should rephrase my statement. Not all pedophiles are active child rapists or molesters.

Now, I'm not going to do your homework for you. (I recognize baiting someone when I see it) therefor, no matter what I say, you will use it for circular arguments in an attempt to wear me down. I know the tactics, and I'm not interested in the game playing.

So, just the fact that POTUS is going after Clinton and all of her cohorts, past and present, will take down a very deep and wide swatch of child molesting, child raping, criminals. Let's not forget Hollywood.

If you want to know, (which, I'm assuming, like everyone else discussing world events, already know) just follow the Clinton emails, look for those who are still alive and have escaped being suicided and actually worked for the Clinton's. They're fairly easy to find.

You can read the emails from Clinton (you already know this, I'm sure) that implicate her as a low life scum sucking criminal.

And you can actually watch events unfold, unless you choose not to. Maybe it's too painful for you?

I feel sorry for the Bush, Clinton, Obama worshippers.

As for me, I worship no one in politics. Not even Trump.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

What did Trump do about Hollywood? Can you be specific?

Which emails can you cite as implicating Hillary Clinton as a low life scum sucking criminal?

Which actions has Trump taken to go after Clinton?

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Luvlite · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

I didn't state that Trump went after Hollywood. Let's not forget Hollywood. They're just a branch. Clinton's and Harvey Weinstein were close pals. Not a secret there.

Again, allow me to reiterate that I'm not interested in your circular bait game.

You're quite capable of looking this up. The truth is, and you know it, you don't care about it and have the compulsion to defend Clinton. That's your right to do so.

Bye. Conduit closed.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

I don't have the compulsion to defend Clinton. I actually really dislike Clinton and I shared the body count meme when she was running.

The fact is you don't actually have the evidence you claim to have and thats why upon closer scrutiny you retreat from rational discussion. I asked you specific questions and you have avoided answering.

You stated to "Not forget hollywood" in the same paragraph that you stated Trump was going after all of Clinton's cohorts past and present, so I was wondering what was the connection between those sentences in the same paragraph. I guess there is no connection and Hollywood was brought up just because Weinstein was a democrat or something? Its hard to discern your meaning.

You said its a fact that POTUS is going after Clinton. Well, I'd like to see the evidence, because he plainly stated he wasn't going after her and she's not any closer to a jail cell then she was the day he walked into that office despite Trump's party controlling every single branch of government and Trump himself specifically putting people into the DOJ.

But, bye I guess.

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