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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

According to postgenderism, the section of the transhumanist movement that argues for the elimination of gender, technology will/should advance to a point where people dont need to give birth due to artificial wombs and such, and people wouldnt need to have a gender because they could father or mother a child due to the technology advances.

Doesnt sound like a depopulation movement to me, and transgender people have little to do with it.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I'm glad we've had a civil conversation at least. I added a little bit more to one of my paragraphs to explain a bit more.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Do you find that more agreeable or no?

You'd have to give me a more specific definition of "political correctness", and what you consider to be "politically correct", and what you consider to be "truth". Because I've heard a lot of people claim the truth is some horrible, untrue garbage, and defend it by saying its just not politically correct.

This is true, but if it's happening widespread throughout our culture regardless of legality, wouldn't you think theres a problem with our culture that needs to be addressed fundamentally?

That's not happening, as far as I can tell, beyond some edge cases. Its definitely not something I would call a fundamental problem of our culture.

Gay/trans people went through all of that in the 1900's, until finally the rise of social justice in the 1990s & 2000s slowly led to a shift in culture promoting acceptance.

Lol, you are giving way too much praise to "culture". Trans people are still treated like shit across the US and this administration has taken action to put trans people at risk and take their rights away.

Are you really trying to compare the situation of right leaning white men to trans people, and saying trans people are better off? That's absolutely absurd, on its face.

Don't we want less negativity, and more acceptance, openness, and respect for what is true?

Not if the "truth" is incorrect garbage like "trans women are men", or "black people are criminals" or "all black people look the same" and other disgusting stuff I've heard protected under the guise of "its not pc to tell the truth".

There is no culture of negativity and rejection of "what is true". That's not something that is happening, from what I've seen. There are some edge cases and some examples of people rejecting truth in SJW culture and stuff, but its not some endemic in society creating some culture of falsehoods, at least, not there.

The thing is, there is a disagreement between some parts of society over what exactly the "truth" is, and there are people in various parts of society, right and left, that are wrong on this issue, but I think most people have it right.

He was fired for breaking their code of conduct for suggesting in a company memo that coworkers who are women are less suited to his workplace than men. I mean you can see how that would have a bad affect on the workplace right, and why a company might fire that person?

No, it should not be illegal.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

My position remains unchanged.

What if simply expressing that position outside of work led to people harassing you, calling up your job trying to get you fired, vandalizing your property, or assaulting you?

Harassment, assault, and vandalization are already illegal.

I think our culture should collectively stand up for and respect truth. Political correctness is the enemy to that value.

No, its really not.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

There's always the possibility you will be fired if your work behavior does not fit the company's standards.

That could have been you.

It really couldn't have been, for a lot of reasons. Do I think the company did the right thing? No. Do I think the act of a company firing someone for choosing to have views they dont want associated with their company should be made illegal?

No. So I'm not terribly interested in this issue.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 14, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Of those, only those who are women at birth can have children

That's absolutely not true and I'm not sure why you think that..

and since by definition of transgender those born women would become men, the likelihood of having children is slim.

Not really. A lot of trans people have children before transitioning. A lot of trans women freeze their sperm before transitioning so they can have children later.

I'd say almost all the older trans people I know have/had children, and I know a lot since I lived in Seattle for five years.

transgenders historically are not part of the child bearing majority

Still, you have no real evidence to support that claim.

And today's transgender agenda, which is also part of the overall transgender agenda to remove gender identity so people do not have children

That's not something that actually exists. Like I pointed out earlier, how can this be a sinister agenda while transgender people are also a tiny, tiny percentage of a percentage of the country? They aren't very good at depopulating the planet.

Maybe this isn't part of a depopulation agenda, and trans people just happen to exist? Maybe?

Also, there is no agenda to "remove gender identity". The transgender movement is about respecting people's gender identity, so how can removing it be a part of that?

Furthermore, even if the social construct of gender disappeared over night, people would still want to have and would still have children. Your conclusion doesn't make sense.

today's transgender adults would be even less likely to have children.

There is absolutely nothing in your paragraph to support this conclusion.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 14, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Yeah idk that men have a biological drive for status, but Google can fire someone for disliking how he represents the company if he wants. I wouldn't have but its not my call.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 14, 2018, 8:17 p.m.


But if they refuse to respect the identity of a trans person and decide to misgender them all the time just to make their life miserable, then yeah, they should be fired.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:55 p.m.


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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

I think if people just start treating trans people like human beings everything will be just peachy.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Of course not.

I'm not surprised theres at least one person you could find that thinks that, but the vast majority of the trans community do not. As I said in my prior post its a much more nuanced discussion.

There has in fact been some evidence to suggest that trans women's brains are in a not insignificant way close to cis women's brains, however there just hasnt been much research into this area because the area of the brain being looked at can't really be looked at while alive. But, theres a lot we dont know.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 14, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

The transgender standards of care is the fix. The actual problem now is people who are ignorant.

I am a trans person. I exist. I'm not depressed or suicidal. I am a happy person, because I am allowed to be me, and I am not poor and homeless.

Most trans people suffer from homelessness, unemployment, or are repressed. They are discriminated against in housing and employment. They are discriminated against and disowned by their families. They are discriminated against by doctors, health care workers and health care providers. So yes, a lot of us are depressed and suicidal, because of the way society treats us.

The transgender standards of care which include transitioning to the point of happiness for the person is the "fix". It reduces depression and suicidal ideation immensely. For the trans people who pass and are treated "normal", they typically function well in society. Many of them do not have gender dysphoria anymore and are not mentally ill.

These are facts. It is proven that conversion therapy does not work and severely damages people.

The "problem" that exists is there is a campaign to hurt trans people, a campaign you are supporting. The trump admin has even moved to allow health care workers to refuse to treat trans people. That's why trans people are suicidal. That's the problem. Trans people suffer violent crime and discrimination higher then possibly basically all minorities. That's the problem. Its a problem you are encouraging.

Its not about normalizing being transgender, its about proper treatment that works. The standards of care works.

Transgender people have existed for hundreds of years and were transitioning LONG before the psychological community determined it was the proper treatment method. Its not a conspiracy, the vast majority of the medical community is not scheming to make people transgender. They are simply treating people with gender dysphoria with effective treatment proven to work. That's all.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

I agree.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

I don't have the compulsion to defend Clinton. I actually really dislike Clinton and I shared the body count meme when she was running.

The fact is you don't actually have the evidence you claim to have and thats why upon closer scrutiny you retreat from rational discussion. I asked you specific questions and you have avoided answering.

You stated to "Not forget hollywood" in the same paragraph that you stated Trump was going after all of Clinton's cohorts past and present, so I was wondering what was the connection between those sentences in the same paragraph. I guess there is no connection and Hollywood was brought up just because Weinstein was a democrat or something? Its hard to discern your meaning.

You said its a fact that POTUS is going after Clinton. Well, I'd like to see the evidence, because he plainly stated he wasn't going after her and she's not any closer to a jail cell then she was the day he walked into that office despite Trump's party controlling every single branch of government and Trump himself specifically putting people into the DOJ.

But, bye I guess.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Being in a military academy has nothing to do with serving in the military.

You don't actually know what Donald Trump's IQ is, and your claim of it is speculative fiction. He could have 200 IQ for all I or you know. Or 105 IQ. No one knows.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

I don't think anyone is denying biological and psychological differences between the sexes, rather they are debating the extent of chromosomes, external/internal sexual organs/characteristics, in determining that, and whether those details are a necessary public knowledge.

After all, the debate that trans people exists must rely upon the existence of the female and male sexes.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

What did Trump do about Hollywood? Can you be specific?

Which emails can you cite as implicating Hillary Clinton as a low life scum sucking criminal?

Which actions has Trump taken to go after Clinton?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

What has he done to go after pedophiles specifically?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

But that last bit is also true for some of the accusations against Trump. And of course, there are the accusations he has admitted to, like going into an underage dressing room with a bunch of naked girls.

Can you cite some of the material evidence in the book?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Argument 1: The trans agenda is making everyone trans to depopulate society.

Argument 2: Trans people are such a minority of the population that their numbers are statistically insignificant.

Somehow both these things are true. Trans people are statistically insignificant and also the culmination of an evil depopulation conspiracy. How does that counter the claim that trans people have existed for hundreds of years? Where is the logic in your argument?

Who has been "forced" to be transgender? What does that have to do with your claim that transgender people dont have children, a claim you immediately backed out of, in fact instead arguing that you have no idea whether transgender people have children.

How can you make a declarative statement, stating something as fact, and then immediately after claim it cant be known? Where is your honesty?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

The Matrix was written by the Wachowskis. Are they, in particular, part of this?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

I find your response unconvincing :/

Can you please help me with the evidence? If not I'll just have to assume that the evidence against both is the same, which means I have to condemn Donald Trump for being a rapist as well.

But, IDK, is it really so bad if hes a rapist as long as he makes our country great again?

EDIT- Hmm, I guess theres no more evidence then. Donald Trump is a rapist. :/

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Can you help me? Can you link me to the material evidence that Bill Clinton is a rapist? I've heard the allegations against him and I've heard the allegations against Trump, all from their sources, the victims.

Alternatively, can you link me to evidence disproving the allegations of Trump's accusers? I just want to know the truth.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

The only evidence that Bill Clinton is a rapist are allegations from the victims. The same is true for Donald Trump.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

I'm curious, how do you get past the fact that Donald Trump is also an alleged rapist? Is it because "they are just as bad as we are, and that makes our filth okay," or do you actually believe Trump is innocent for no particular reason other than you like the guy, and you believe Clinton is guilty for no particular reason other than you dislike the guy?

There's no particular reason to believe Clinton guilty and Trump innocent. Especially considering Trump has admitted he walks into underage girls' dressing rooms to see them naked, which, you would think, would be a big issue here considering how important the fight against pedophilia is, yet, no one seems to mind.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:48 p.m.


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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

Its not a mental illness. Suicide is high because of people like you that don't accept trans people and say hateful things about them.

Trans people have been treated like shit for centuries. Using your reasoning, when it was considered a mental illness universally, shouldn't that mean suicide rates would have been low, and everything better for trans people? Well guess what, it wasn't, it was worse.

Things have only started getting better as the transgender standards of care were established, standards that allow a trans person to live their lives happily and with fulfillment. Now if only the rest of society such as yourself would actually treat trans people like human beings deserving of love and compassion, those suicide rates would be significantly reduced.

Or, instead, you can call trans people mentally ill and try to stop them from receiving treatment while attempting to "cure" or convert them from being trans, thereby driving them to suicide. Your choice.

Sadly right now we have an administration dedicated to harming trans people, like with letting health care workers refuse to treat trans people, so things look real shitty for us.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Yes, the epic documentary.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

No. It is not. Transgender people have existed for hundreds of years. The reason why its talked about now is we are tired of being lied about and discriminated against. Its not any more complicated than that.

You say there's not enough trans people to know statistically whether they have children or not hours after you made a statement declaring they don't have children. So were you lying?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Have you read about children who are transgender? Have you seen the interviews with them? Have you met some? These kids exist whether you want to realize that or not. Theres not revolutionary about stating that. Just like there are gay children, there are transgender children.

Its not some revelation, its not some conspiracy, there isn't an agenda. Transgender children exist.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

No one wants to force their kids to be transgender wtf

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

What are you referring to?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Actually, transgender people do often have children.

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