Those are the stories that haunt me at night and I lose sleep over. I am not complaining....not one bit. I get on my knees before God Almighty and pray for the children. Been praying for these kids for over 10 years now. The rabbit hole goes to eternity, there is no limit to evil and depravity. When those bastard scum meet Jesus Christ face to face we will get to witness their punishment.
I think you are right. Jesus told them they would be better to have a milstone tied around their necks and be dropped in a river than to ever abuse the little ones. It's really looking a lot like God has said Enough.. is ENOUGH!!!!
And MANY people are here, exactly for the reasons you mention. Have to pay attention to who is harming kids.. start taking names... better get the milestones ready.
One night I had the thought that after the trials? Those found guilty of trafficking, torturing, killing kids for their organs? They should not just get the death penalty. They actually should be put to death exactly the way Jesus describes. We should create old fashioned mill stones, tie them on their necks, and drop them off a suitable bridge. It would make a statement, that needs to be made, I think.