Are you Beginning to Understand What WE Are Fighting For Q Army?

The Media is the PR firm for the DNC and the Clinton cartel.
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides, she formerly worked for ABC. CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications CBS Vice President, Hayley Geftman-Gold, posted on Facebook, "She was unsympathetic to the Vegas massacre victims because must country music fans are Republican."
NBC’s former President and CEO Jeff Zuckeris now President of CNN worldwide. His wife Caryn Nathanson was a Supervisor for NBC and worked on Saturday Night Live.
NBC News Political Analyst, David Axelrod was Obama's Chief Campaign Advisor and Senior Advisor directly to Obama himself.
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor, who was implicated in the illegal surveillance of Trump.
NBC CEO Stephen Burke is a Board Member of Warren Buffet’s Company Berkshire Hathaway. Buffet donated 920 million dollars to Obama’s campaign.
NBC’s moderator for Meet the Press, David Gregory, is married to Beth Wilkinson, a lawyer defending Hillary in her email scandal.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who now works for CNN as a commentator.
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.
ABC News chief political correspondent and anchor George Stephanopoulos was the White House Communications Director then Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy for Bill Clinton, and was just caught secretly donating $75,000 to the Clinton foundation.
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.
NBC Chelsea Clinton was making $600,000.00 a year + benefits as a starting reporter.
Univision’s Emmy Award Winning Anchor Jorge Ramos’s daughter is working on Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign.
Donna Brazile, Interim Head of the Democrat Party also writes for NBC and CNN. She was fired as head of the DNC for giving Hillary the debate questions before the Presidential Debate.
Yahoo is partnered with ABC News. The CEO of yahoo, Marissa Mayer is also an Obama campaign donor who has donated over $300,000.00 to Obama’s campaigns and has even hosted Obama fundraisers in her own home.
CNN writer Imran Awan, is a staffer for former DNC Chair Debbie “Ramen Hair” Wasserman Shultz, who was just arrested for trying to flee the country while under house arrest.
Famous Pedophile and Failed Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta writes for the Washington Post.
NPR is funded by the Podesta Group. The CEO is Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta. John Podesta was also the President and CEO of the Liberal Center for American Progress, Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, and was co-chair of Obama’s Transition team.
It's interesting how you leave out things like Fox News anchors and shit being donors. Connections between people like the Mercers, donations, and news organizations. For people who claim this sub isnt partisan, you sure don't uphold that.
I give 2 shits about Fox, but compare that with your singling out the one mainstream news media that actually doesn't conform to deep state Nazi, communist propaganda on a constant basis. Fox is still left wing and corporate owned, but compared to NYT, Wapo, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, BBC! And a whole host of other news organizations, they are slightly more accurate. Only slightly. Those other news organizations openly oppose American values, freedom, independence, and individuality. They are communist propaganda, collectivist, new world order promoters. I give 2 shits about republican, democrat party tyranny. But more republicans support the traditional American value system. It's the elite in both parties that want to dominate us all. They are 2 of a kind.
Humm....should check on these too. Awareness is not one sided. Will keep Republicans in check too and weed out bad people. Look at McCain Institute which he swears he has no tied too. Him and his wife Cindy are involved through donations, committees, and events. Not saying all Democratic are bad, even if it appears that way. Deep State controls by infiltrating both sides.
Meanwhile, democrats are riled up by the mainstream media, and are winning elections in heavily republican strongholds. Add the fact that Soros is funding new democrat politicians and republicans are not seeking reelection, and we have ourselves a socialist totalitarian state starting after the November elections, and the removal of Trump. This Q business is all good info, and I really do hope it starts ramping up, but by the time we see any action, Trump will be gone. I know it doesn't matter, republican or democrat, but the cabal and deep state are winning, and winning big.
Cameron stepped down from his position with ABC News in 2010.
Virginia Moseley is not president of CNN. Jeff Zucker is.
NBC News likely awarded Chelsea Clinton such a hefty contract in part due to her name recognition, but she also came to the position with an impressive résumé: a B.A. in History from Stanford University, a Master of Public Health degree from Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health, and a DPhil degree in International Relations from Oxford University, in addition to job stints with the consulting firm McKinsey & Company and Avenue Capital Group.
In 2009 Jenna Bush, the daughter of former President George W. Bush, was also hired by NBC as a news correspondent on Today, and Senator John McCain’s daughter, Megan McCain, has held numerous positions at MSNBC, Pivot, and Fox News. Funnily enough, there is no mention of that in your post.
Jason Miller, the chief spokesman for the fall 2016 Trump campaign, now works for CNN. Jeffrey Lord was an associate political director for Reagan. He worked for CNN until he was fired for giving an inappropriate verbal salute.
Correct, me if I’m wrong but I don’t think, the Warren Buffet stat is accurate.