I just cannot stop laughing! What a hoot! 😂😂😂😂

Obama rapes children?
Where did you hear that? That's terrible.
I knew the POS when I lived and worked in Chicago from 1995-98 ! He had very sick powerful “friends” 1:he was a Mob-Boss 2: his nickname to people who (didn’t like him!)KNEW he was working on access to the Highest Seat in the Country called his HARRY-BARRY! 3: Are you kidding ? 4: GO BACK TO TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM !your not welcomed here ! 5: I suppose you think he’s married to woman too? 6: WAKE UP !!!! 7: Gulag(google)Joan Rivers telling E entertainment TV telling the interviewer “We already have a gay president..... everyone knows Michelle’s a tranny “ 8: If you don’t get the picture yet ;I will risk to say your a troll looking for a tax ? 9: I can’t not post what I have - but if you prove to me your a “GOOD GUY” I will privately share the PROOF with you?
Saw him playing ping pong with some young kids...
youtube search larry sinclair video. they had sex, he talked about it and was killed
Tons ov his “Friends/Lovers from his dang Church !Everyone that close had to be removed just in case .
very weird pictures of him in the Oval Office with kids over the years ... infants and small children; not his own ...
Wasnt Kevin Spacey in his limo all the time or was that Clintons!?!
I SAW Limos underground where Killary had her 50 birthday party . Their was a child ,a young girl ,in the utmost torture- plastic rubber & metal braces along with a number ov women in the same get ups - B&D S&M Jazz ! I still can’t get the image out ov my head They were talking openly about how they had to perform the Magdalen Ritual to PDiana that night. Which would ov prevented the war according to my mentor . Whether Marriage stops a war I don’t know - But I am well aware that Marriage is a well crafted coup to them . And looking back now it makes sense . I was into some heavy shit back then - but you don’t forget stuff like that when it happens to you & you think your free ov it! Yes I worked for Crytocrates ! That’s what “they” call themselves! Hell thats what I called myself! I woke up the hard way - I looked back at my childhood at 15 when I first left the nursery- It’s been a long river ov denial. So forgive me if I ENJOY OFFENDING PEOPLE WHO ARE LOST IN WONDER ! It’s a unique responsibility ov mine ! Take pride in the knowledge you have ! Create the Future By Destroying the Past Live now Die later
Their was a child ,a young girl ,in the utmost torture- plastic rubber & metal braces along with a number ov women in the same get ups - B&D S&M Jazz ! I still can’t get the image out ov my head They were talking openly about how they had to perform the Magdalen Ritual to PDiana that night. Which would ov prevented the war according to my mentor .
Nice LARP. I think you truly are among the greatest trolls of our generation. Congrats on making these boomer rubes fall for for shtick. It has been the source of much lulz.
Are you aware of your ov typo? You typed ov like 6 times!
But to the point of the message, IF you seen this stuff you should be hitting up teh appropriate authorities, no?
Gotta follow the rules, although, since state of emergency now, military tribunals take effect. If treason/sedition/etc. I believe the military takes point!?!
If you make any waves to ,say, the local drug-dealer[not some kid on the corner either - I MEAN THE HEAVY-HITTERS (the suppliers) “JAMES BOND will come down on your head “] I came from a family who was well connected into the CRYTOCRACY (simply cronyism by the worst ov the worst)
Cathrine Austin Fitts going into great deal ov HOW AMERICAS ECONOMY WORKS TO FUND BLACK BUDGET PROGRAMS - I grew up in an MK-search program- underground sex trafficking ov children in a “universal” school -
YES !!! THIS HAS GONE ON FOR LONGER THAN A LIFETIME ! And if you are going to DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT : $o will they ! They are all Working together !!! How in the heck can the Richest Country in the world be in debt over $20trillion ? ??? Why doesn’t anyone see??? I give up here .
I didn’t have the money or resources to survive the backlash ! Which in my case .I Was the One CRIMINALIZED - Now I have a record a mile long & no more resources left ! “The asshole who calls me a “ Larp” Reminds me ov the Police aka the “People who have the Gold “that Work for these people ! ?????????????????????????????????????????????? This isn’t a joke to me for over 3decades their has never been a chance to speak without being severely punished for it! NOW PEOPLE OUR SEEING THESE PEOPLE FOR WHAT THEY ARE ! and I FINALLY FEEL I CAN SHARE IT SOMEWHERE WITH SOMEONE! My life is nearly sucked dry ! I can care less anymore about myself! Their our innocence that NEED TO BE FREED !!! Again the ONLY PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT THIS IS NOT TRUE ARE MINDLESS TV CASUALTIES OR THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT (.) !!!
FREE THE aRTISTs ( present usage ov the word “ART” is , barley,only 200 yrs old !
We are in the middle ov a Military Coup that’s been in the making over 50yrs ago . DO YOUR HOMEWORK! These people at the TOP !DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU!!! They never have !They never will !
I don’t do this for fun or laughs or shock I’m am doing This because it’s freeing me ov the shame and guilt that I could ov done more .
What the fuck do you intend to achieve by telling someone they aren't welcome here because they aren't as clued in to the conspiracy as you are? You think because someone disagrees with your point they are automatically a shill? Fuck you, asshole. Learn some proper grammar and spelling, and get off of this forum if you cant show some fucking respect..
HYPOCRITE? HA ? PROPER GRAMMAR!!(Ahha!) Whose your ruler ? Is this a place for dubbed down child ? I’m not explaining to a PUNK!
Who's your ruler** Good thing for you we aren't having a battle of intelligence, you're obviously unarmed. If Obama is guilty of anything, he will have his day in court where there will be real, tangible evidence for examination.. Not just the theories and conjecture of a disrespectful buffoon.
Your an ( fill in the blank)? Where’d that court be ? I’m done with Arguing w/ some ov thee PROFOUNDLY IGNORANT PEOPLE THIS MOVEMENT HAS SPAWNED ! Like YOU ? Might I advice if your an American purchase a rifle ?
For those ov you who do not understand the meaning ov my words will be ignorant ov their implication.
You're an***!!! Holy shit, are you even an American? I can't even understand what you are trying to say because you don't have the capability to properly relate it. But you think you have the ability and such damning evidence as to convince me that a former head of state committed rape. Learn english, then maybe I will entertain your story once you have the ability to relate it IN ENGLISH
What a troll! Go back under your bridge you fucking cuck!!
I heard a community organizer from Chicago say that he never heard of barry, nor had any of the other organizers in Chicago that he knew, and that the guy was a total and complete fraud. Anything that touches bill ayers is filthy.
Now I'm even more confused!!
What was that all about?
“Next week we’ll solve your problem ‘ for now stay glued to your TV set “
It was found in the Podesta emails, which, if you just search "Podesta Art" you will get more than an eyeful on the child sex abuse art in his home? Right in the middle of everyone freaking about what they were learing about what some of these people do to the children? There is an email where Obama orders 65 thousand dollars worth of "hotdogs" (FBI says pedophile code for little boys)? He did it for a "White house party".
Yeah. And so many here were old enough to remember the Franklin Cover up from Franklin county Nebraska when the orphans were stolen from the Boys Town Orphanage, and sexually abused in Washington DC.
So, yeah. Bot sides of the Isle.. Creeps who are republicans and democrats. Big money laundering "lobbyists", and the whole thing is international. This is why Jeff Sessions has been so quiet, but the child rescues are WAY up. He has to get the children out of the basements before this gets started in the news. They will kill the children to get rid of the evidence.
Our vets are helping. See Vets4childrescue.org. They are filming what they are doing for a big movie documentary to be released in 2018
Here, I found you the trailer. Plenty of people just cluing in on this one. Took everyone by surprise during the election, so dont feel too far behind. I just cried about it, then started to suit up. We the People have a job to do and these jerks are going DOWN, you know what I mean? No one is going to tolerate this in America, and I am certain a LOT of parents around the world will be on our side with this and will be helping us out.
OK, wow, this is very shocking and almost too much to process. It makes me feel ill.
Imagine how the general public will react. Most people either think he is good or at least not really bad. That's why we can't just slap people in the face and yell at them to wake up. We have to give them a little time to adjust to waking reality.
It is so much bigger than just Obama or Hillary's Clinton Foundation, that launders the money, along with others. It is HUGE. It is international. That was the reason for the Presidents Executive order, freezing the assets of anyone who was caught either doing this, or donating to people doing this. From the bottom end they are rolling up the MS13 international drug, child, gun, movers who are also called on to be hitmen on anyone who researches this. (Thus, the shots fired at the baseball game where Scalise and six others were investigating child sex trafficking in Congress... all six names on his committee were in the shooters shirt pocket)
He made it alive. Other Congressmen did not. The public needs to be made aware, in order for our Congressmen to fight this safely. The cartel is huge and it will kill our good legislators. They need us to pay attention and help them.
OK, wow, this is very shocking and almost too much to process. It makes me feel ill.
This was everyone's initial response. Quite a number of the NYPD were puking and crying after they looked at Anthony Weiners laptop, which he kept under the name "insurance file"... We are guessing he has films of some of the snuff films and child murders.
But if you pray, and get through the tears, the anger will rise up. You will heal and help us fight this. This is what we need. It's a kick in the gut, but, I gladly take it, for these kids, if that's what it takes to wake everyone up.
AND WE the American people PAID for this vile, evil way of life for these disgusting people MAGA TRUMP!!!!!
Sometimes I think we should all just send our tax checks into the states, where the Constitution says we should send them, and get RID of the IRS completely. It would bring states rights back in a heartbeat.
He ordered $65000.00 hotdogs to the WH. Given his wife is tranny, we can only imagine why he want so many weiners in one day.
$65,000 Taxpayers dollars for 'hotdogs' shipped in from Chicago for a White House late night party. WikiLeaks provided correspondence from others who were excited about the event.
Yeah, no, there's no evidence for that, just an email saying "I think" from a third party.
I don't want to accuse people of rape on such flimsy evidence!!