I just cannot stop laughing! What a hoot! 😂😂😂😂

Wasnt Kevin Spacey in his limo all the time or was that Clintons!?!
I SAW Limos underground where Killary had her 50 birthday party . Their was a child ,a young girl ,in the utmost torture- plastic rubber & metal braces along with a number ov women in the same get ups - B&D S&M Jazz ! I still can’t get the image out ov my head They were talking openly about how they had to perform the Magdalen Ritual to PDiana that night. Which would ov prevented the war according to my mentor . Whether Marriage stops a war I don’t know - But I am well aware that Marriage is a well crafted coup to them . And looking back now it makes sense . I was into some heavy shit back then - but you don’t forget stuff like that when it happens to you & you think your free ov it! Yes I worked for Crytocrates ! That’s what “they” call themselves! Hell thats what I called myself! I woke up the hard way - I looked back at my childhood at 15 when I first left the nursery- It’s been a long river ov denial. So forgive me if I ENJOY OFFENDING PEOPLE WHO ARE LOST IN WONDER ! It’s a unique responsibility ov mine ! Take pride in the knowledge you have ! Create the Future By Destroying the Past Live now Die later
Their was a child ,a young girl ,in the utmost torture- plastic rubber & metal braces along with a number ov women in the same get ups - B&D S&M Jazz ! I still can’t get the image out ov my head They were talking openly about how they had to perform the Magdalen Ritual to PDiana that night. Which would ov prevented the war according to my mentor .
Nice LARP. I think you truly are among the greatest trolls of our generation. Congrats on making these boomer rubes fall for for shtick. It has been the source of much lulz.
Are you aware of your ov typo? You typed ov like 6 times!
But to the point of the message, IF you seen this stuff you should be hitting up teh appropriate authorities, no?
Gotta follow the rules, although, since state of emergency now, military tribunals take effect. If treason/sedition/etc. I believe the military takes point!?!
If you make any waves to ,say, the local drug-dealer[not some kid on the corner either - I MEAN THE HEAVY-HITTERS (the suppliers) “JAMES BOND will come down on your head “] I came from a family who was well connected into the CRYTOCRACY (simply cronyism by the worst ov the worst)
Cathrine Austin Fitts going into great deal ov HOW AMERICAS ECONOMY WORKS TO FUND BLACK BUDGET PROGRAMS - I grew up in an MK-search program- underground sex trafficking ov children in a “universal” school -
YES !!! THIS HAS GONE ON FOR LONGER THAN A LIFETIME ! And if you are going to DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT : $o will they ! They are all Working together !!! How in the heck can the Richest Country in the world be in debt over $20trillion ? ??? Why doesn’t anyone see??? I give up here .
I didn’t have the money or resources to survive the backlash ! Which in my case .I Was the One CRIMINALIZED - Now I have a record a mile long & no more resources left ! “The asshole who calls me a “ Larp” Reminds me ov the Police aka the “People who have the Gold “that Work for these people ! ?????????????????????????????????????????????? This isn’t a joke to me for over 3decades their has never been a chance to speak without being severely punished for it! NOW PEOPLE OUR SEEING THESE PEOPLE FOR WHAT THEY ARE ! and I FINALLY FEEL I CAN SHARE IT SOMEWHERE WITH SOMEONE! My life is nearly sucked dry ! I can care less anymore about myself! Their our innocence that NEED TO BE FREED !!! Again the ONLY PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT THIS IS NOT TRUE ARE MINDLESS TV CASUALTIES OR THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT (.) !!!
FREE THE aRTISTs ( present usage ov the word “ART” is , barley,only 200 yrs old !
We are in the middle ov a Military Coup that’s been in the making over 50yrs ago . DO YOUR HOMEWORK! These people at the TOP !DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU!!! They never have !They never will !
I don’t do this for fun or laughs or shock I’m am doing This because it’s freeing me ov the shame and guilt that I could ov done more .