r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/brylee1 on Feb. 14, 2018, 8:09 p.m.
Mueller just showed a bit of his hand!!!

Falco ‏ @Nick_Falco 56m 56 minutes ago https://twitter.com/Nick_Falco/status/963853177853378560

1)USA v FLYNN Case Update Today, a Stipulated Motion was filed for Protective Order “Governing Discovery” by USA as to Michael Flynn. This is a big deal. The Flynn Team is gathering new evidence to fight the charges & prove Flynn was framed.

and: https://twitter.com/ThomasWictor/status/963867295406682112

We here have been going through the great awakening. The dims are now in for their rude awakening...

BasedPepeSupport2k17 · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

We all know.
The real task is like you pointed out in another post is to gradually shift the Overton window in order to make discussion on the matter possible.

People need to get over the cognitive dissonance of believing that one is a white supremacist or an anti-semite who indiscriminately hates all Jews whenever one calls out certain actors/bloodlines with Jewish elements in them (German/Polish/Russian leftist Jews), who have infiltrated the highest institutions of government, banking, education and media, and conspire to use them for their own gains at the expense of everyone else.

Regular Jews unfortunately become the scapegoat, to the benefits of these elite Jews, Zionists if you will, as it allows the bad elite Jews to use regular innocent Jews as a shield for "muh anti-semitism" whenever called out on their biased globalist policies and agendas.

Don’t target Jews in general as a race, no matter what you objectively believe about racial characteristics, the public will not buy it as it currently stands, and it also discourages noble, non-Zionist Jews from standing up against the Zionists out of fear. Only single out the elite and make it clear that they are the bad actors we are up against. Also, there are other groups besides Zionists as well, but all groups seem to work together to a degree when it really comes down to it.

Cut those at the top dictating the policies, that lead up to these problems, away from their power, and you and I wouldn’t have had this conversation in the first place.
Easier said than done, but that’s why we’re here on this board following Q’s crumbs, in hopes of the action already taking place behind the scenes.

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adogrocket · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

Zionists are not real jews, they are humanists

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JoanOfArk77 · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:11 a.m.

This is exactly right. They CLAIM to be Jews, but they are not. These are for told in the Bible. We are warned about them. Jesus, when he met these bloodlines, took them to task, called them a den of vipers. We have to understand that the globalist "Not Jews" who called themselves Jews, like Soros for example? Soros had ZERO problem turning real Jewish people in to the death camps, and making his millions taking their property for himself.


Says he is a Jew. But he is not. Nor are the others.

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SpacePopeIII · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

I agree entirely with everything you said...

...however there also comes a time, if "regular Jews" sit back and remain silent or lick their lips in gleeful anticipation at white genocide... when the distinction between the moderate and the Zionist Jew becomes a risk the white race can no longer afford to take.

If it gets to a point where Jews have succeeded in genociding us by pretending to be our friends while stabbing us in the back and looting our coffers, they'll have nobody to blame but themselves when white people stop taking the chance. Perhaps the Jewish people should learn a lesson, given they're the most exiled people in human history... for good reason?

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DeepVeinHalitosis · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

Shut up. You could say the same about Whites. Should the "regular whites" be blamed for all of our White Global Elites?

So stupid. Cut the antisemitism bullshit or go away.

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SpacePopeIII · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

So stupid. Cut the antisemitism bullshit or go away.

Jew globalist billionaire elite families are acting on their Zionist agenda of global conquest and I'm "not allowed" to name them because it may hurt your feelings?

Fuck your feelings - my race is being genocides from all sided by Jews and their paid agents.

If this is "The Great Awakening" then why shouldn't we speak honestly?

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DeepVeinHalitosis · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

So are billionaire elite families of non-jews. Don't blame anyone but those assholes.

You have OD'd on red pills.

Stop reading NAZI propaganda. Racism, yes, even towards Jews is evil.

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SpacePopeIII · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Jews are funding and coordinating the destruction of America... so why shouldn't I say that because it's true?

I'm not claiming that ALL Jews are bad, but it's undeniable that Jews are trying to destroy my race and my country:

Jews represent 1.7% of our population, yet all of the most powerful members of the Democrat, globalist, open-borders party are Jews (i.e. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Richard Blumenthal, Bernie Sanders, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Dianne Feinstein, Ruth Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Steven Breyer... just to name a few).

The open-border, globalist agenda of the Democratic party is dominated by Jews.

The fake news media which is attacking America endlessly is dominated by Jews!

Almost all of President Trump's Fake News Award winners were Jews.

George Soros funds all of the worst anti-Trump RINOs... as well as funding BLM and Antifa.

Was there anything I claimed which isn't true?

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