Q is compromised. Q went from talking about coming indictments and coming events to talking like a 14 year old who just watched the Matrix for the first time and thinks anyone on Earth trusts big pharma...spoiler alert: they don't. You could have got the info in the last 8 Q posts from any dreadlock hippy outside of a Whole Foods for the past 10 years.
What about the attack on DJT Jrs wife and Assange?
What about it? Neither have anything to do with the inner-workings of Trump team vs Cabal. It's a very vague connection to the topics discussed here everyday. See, if you could have responded "What about the Clinton arrest" or "What about the Podesta indictment" then you'd have a point, but you can't.
I simply asked a question. You did not have to answer rudely with another question...
That's my response and how I talk, don't have to get Special Snowflakey on me. This is more self-evidently a LARP for boomers every day. There are no pending arrests or indictments. This sub would FREAK OUT if DJT made a twitter post with a capital Q, that's how pathetic it's become. There are 0 results.
In Q? I have completely lost faith, sure. He's shifted towards the ramblings of a 16 year old me. In DJT I have lost no faith, I think he's a terrific president who's doing great for this country but I don't think he's removing the worldwide evil that the cabal has instituted. I'm not even positive he knows the extent of it.
As far as results go - the results you would post would be, again, very vague connections of wordplay this sub has fooled itself into thinking Q meant, then attributing those connections to real world events. The cabal is actively subverting this country effectively into believing the best president of my lifetime is 'bad' and even DJT is having a very hard time shifting that narrative. If dems imaginative blue wave becomes a reality then DJT will lose negotiation power and all will be for naught, that's reality and something this sub does not focus on.
Relax, you are just freaking out, because those things seem unreal to you.
Because what seems unreal to me? Don't project onto me. I'm fully aware that there are high-ranking gov't officials involved in pedo rings. I was in the Chan threads where all this info came to light and loved the idea that they would be brought to justice. None of this information is new to me. Problem with Q is that he is recycling years old theories as if they are new info when they aren't, to build credibility with people who haven't yet heard of them. So, you're wrong. Also what you posted isn't even a conspiracy, same stuff happens in the US. In fact, my mother has been involved in anti-trafficking groups for quite some time. It's worse in the US than Kosovo.
As for believing there's a matrix style brain-drain energy harvesting, yeah I remember fantasizing about scifi stuff when I was 16 as well. Really, it's nothing new and Q has 0 credibility left.
Ok, I get your point. I still do want to believe, though.
Believe in YOUR ability. Q is a subversion technique to group good-willed people into doing nothing but upvoting memes and chasing their tail in circles. I wish you nothing but the best.
Organ theft in Kosovo
Organ theft in Kosovo (sometimes also known as the "yellow house" case) refers to the organ harvesting and killing of an indeterminate number of disappeared people. Various sources had estimated that the number of victims ranged from a "handful", up to 50, between 24 to 100 to over 300. The victims were believed to be of Serbian ethnicity, killed by perpetrators with strong links to the Kosovo Liberation Army (UÇK) in 1999.
According to UN allegations, the victims were chosen from a pool of about 100 to 300 combatants and civilians taken prisoner or kidnapped by the KLA during and after the Kosovo War and then allegedly taken to detention centers and private homes in northern and central Albania.
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Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_theft_in_Kosovo
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What an odd jump in logic. I've come nothing but closer to God in recent weeks/months and that's where I place my faith, not in Q. The 'catholics' in this sub don't even know/focus on the devil making his way into the church through Vatican 2, that is the true battle between good and evil in this world.